Month: December 2018 | the Wakefield Doctrine - Part 3 Month: December 2018 | the Wakefield Doctrine - Part 3

Six Sentence Story -the Wakefield Doctrine-

Welcome to the Wakefield Doctrine (the theory of clarks, scotts and rogers)


This is the Six Sentence Story bloghop.

Denise is the host.

Write a story employing the prompt word below and keep it to six sentences.

Any questions?

Prompt word:


The blue sky beckons from above, its hue tuned to the frequency of life. Long past its time as a sapling, all reaching-tendrils and lofty ambition, the tree waits patiently, trusting it’s grasp below, where, in exchange for mobility, the earth provides the elements of growth. However, elements, not being the whole, require energy and that need drove it’s silent up-reaching, soft-green hands gathering sparks of life falling as invisible rain.

The winter strips the tree of its leaves and with it, the ability to gather power; a stern and distant parent forcing the child to remain in bed, night come round at last.  Without its green garments, the tree stands alone, staring through hollow windows, like a blind man outside a banquet hall.

The ageless lesson speaks in the shapes of life, ‘As below, so above’.






TToT -the Wakefield Doctrine-

Welcome to the Wakefield Doctrine (the theory of clarks, scotts and rogers)

Saturday Morning Chores.
Una sits on the bed. A study in ‘black and sable-paws’, she is ready to do her part.

TToT stands for Ten Things of Thankful. The creation of Lizzi in the early 21st century, this is a grat bloghop with a difference. Write prose, pen poetry, record a video, sing a list… all acceptable (and welcomed) formats for whatever it is that you might feel a desire to share with those participating (and those who do not*)

Our host, Kristi invites all to participate. Write yourself a post listing (or containing (or otherwise referencing)) ten things/people/places/events/qualities…essentially anything in life (both ‘real’ and virtual’) that stimulated and otherwise caused you to feel grateful and send it in/link it up.

1) Una and Phyllis (above)

2) Ocean: (nearby, short car ride)

Chasing the last light of day.
The beach is a grey, curve along the bottom of the photo. The, horizon a razor-thin, ruler-straight line through the middle, dividing sky from sea.
A sea-gull, a flying parenthesis, balances between the two worlds.

3) Firewood project. We need a place to stack firewood, close to (but not against) the house. So we’ve constructed a raised-bed platform from 4″x4″ lumber with gravel in the central rectangle. The stones visible in the photo represent the next-to-last stage of construction. Gathered from our woods, they are intended to add something in stability as well as taking up volume. The next stage is to cover the stones in beach sand followed by a top layer of crushed marble. These woods of ours are bit on the…primeval side, if you know what I mean. Surely won’t hurt the fauna to have a little class imposed on the man-made elements and all.

4) Work. Grateful for an occupation that rarely is boring for more than a short time. For some reason, I have little success at working from home, despite the technology available that totally makes that an option. Here is the workplace.

5) ‘Almira’. The editing continues. My last effort was to divide the book into four parts. This makes the task of reducing the word count to something reasonable a bit less daunting. And, curiously, every approach to the task makes elements of the story stand out in a way that I hadn’t experienced on previous readings. Interesting.

6) Only twenty-one days until winter is over!

7) Book of Secret Rules (aka Secret Book of Rules). This is available to all who participate and, at times, may find their imagination, creativity or word-wrangling suffering from a slow down. The BoSR/SBoR totally has your back.

8) THIS SPACE AVAILABLE. (Yeah, odd item for a grat list, but if you’re curious, write us a comment and ask. Be happy to esplain.)

9) Sunday Supplement. The rabbits are still living under the shed. Not exactly the founding members of the local chapter of the small-animal Chapter of Mensa, at least they know where the holes in the fence are (photo below). So I always go out first with a flashlight and a noisely-shuffling gait (never too soon to practice my old-man-in-worn-out-slippers stylin’). Last night there were two of ’em. The first I spotted (and had him/her run), the second Una did (same result). Fortunately they are faster than she is.

10) Secret Rule 1.3 (by tradition (and the BoSR/SBoR) the last item in a TToT post).


* see Item 8 (you want to try this out with one Grat Item? Send it in as a Comment, put it right there at Number 8)

this week’s music
