Welcome to the Wakefield Doctrine (the theory of clarks, scotts and rogers)
It’s funny how, despite the fact that there is a ‘shape’ to the visitor activity on a blog, i.e. new post and one-day-trailing, sometimes it spikes for no apparent reason. Normally Wednesday is a slow day. Today it’s busier than normal. So I thought to myself, I thought, ‘Hey lets give ’em something to read!’*
From August 29, 2016
Welcome to the Wakefield Doctrine (the theory of clarks, scotts and rogers)
(yeah…that little bastard in the left rear did, in fact, throw something at our hero, who is trying to take the proffered advice to ‘just ignore them and they’ll get bored and move on…’)
No! You’re absolutely correct! This is way out of the norm, this Monday-evening-into-god knows-when Post! But, what are you gonna do?
It’s not easy being a clark. Just ask Denise or Lizzi or Cynthia or Kristi* they’ll be all, “..well, it’s not bad. Life was never intended to be easy and like, everything handed out easy as can be and there are some good things, those good things (that we know we’re fortunate to have) are like crazy good things. and they make the not-good things worth the effort. And everything has a answer if we just pay attention. You did say that the Doctrine sent you, right?”
But the thing about the effort that clarks put into life, it just seems, sometimes (and we’re not complaining) that we make progress and then look up and find that nothing seems to have changed. At least to the extent that we’d hoped, given how much effort we put into it. scotts and rogers seem to have so much more fun. And we know that they’re working just as hard at life as we are (we know because of the Wakefield Doctrine’s ‘everything Rule’1) they just seem more… confident, assured…whatever the opposite of ‘things will never change no matter what I do, I’ll always be like this’, is.
But for the fact that there is a Wakefield Doctrine.
What the Doctrine offers is:
all reality is, to a certain degree, personal. The world (and people and circumstances) I encounter each and every day is a reflection of what we call (my) predominant worldview. We are born with the potential of all three worldviews (that of the Outsider, the Predator and the Herd Member) and while we all end up in one (of these three, our predominant worldview) we never lose the capacity to experience the world as do the other two. and what that implies (and, in fact, means) is that when I think about self-improving myself, I don’t need to worry about whether or not the qualities I seek to add to myself are attainable or achievable. they are already part of me.
I just need to know it and accept it.
Thats it for tonight! Got to go finish editing Chapter 22 of Almira… be sure to read it tomorrow!
* Kristi Campbell, not Kristi Brockett Brierley. Kristi Brierley a roger (of the most excellent sort, i.e. a roger with a strong secondary clarklike aspect), while Kristi C is all kinds of clark (with a significant secondary scottian aspect)
1) the everything Rule states: everyone does everything, at one time or another. the point is that there probably is nothing that a clark might do that a roger or a scott would not (…well, hold that thought! lol) but seriously the everything Rule is meant to remind us that the Doctrine is all about ‘how we relate ourselves to the world around us’. So, it’s not the things we do that make us scottian or rogerian, it’s how we relate (ourselves) to those activities, interests, occupations, avocations celebrations. Do we experience them as ‘part of the herd’ or do we see them as ‘fast moving prey, dodging left and right’ or do we encounter the everyday activities and interactions of life and the world as if we were watching it all from afar? That’s what the everything Rule is about
*yes, there is a significant flaw to the underlying logic giving birth to this conclusion, but humor him, he likes to picture the blog as sixth grade classroom, ‘Look what I brought from home!’
This blog is a classroom of a sort, and well beyond 6th grade.
but fun, no?