Welcome to the Wakefield Doctrine (the theory of clarks, scotts and rogers)
Friday Night Write 2 weeks in a row! I see now, Sunday Mass never had a prayer!* Sure I start to get comfortable writing my TToT post on Friday evenings, does mean the quality or tone of our TToT changes? I don’t know the answer to that. So, unless someone out there has a thought on the topic of a-chronologic variations in the content of TToT Posts written on Fridays versus Saturday, we’ll proceed with our Post.
(The TToT is the inspired effort of Our Miss Lewis who encourages those with good intent to come to this (virtual) place each weekend and share that which gratitudistic in their lives. Those of us who do are better for it.)
1) Pretty non-eventful week. Many of our Co-hostinae and other correspondinas seem to live lives of constant change and improvement. I find it fun and interesting to gain insight into such lives, and for that opportunity I am grateful.
2) Pretty clever, that first Item, non? No, I don’t think that’s being manipulative, it’s more being opportunistic and forward-thinking!
3) Pretty good thing that last Item reminded me of something this week that I’m genuinely grateful for! (no, there’s no way I can keep up the ‘leading with the ‘pretty” for 7 more Items) but that’s not what I’m grateful for! What I am grateful for is that, because I participated in zoe’s Six Sentence Story ‘hop this week, my contribution (which) had to do with the Wizard of Oz, was that somehow, Kristi made a Comment that pointed to an idea for a story.
4) Pretty straightforward string of events, in that Kristi’s comment lead to another person, Dyanne, who further encouraged the idea… (the idea is for the next story after Blogdominion concludes which is…)
5) Pretty much at it’s final Chapter. I’ve been thinking that seeing how much fun it’s been writing Blogdominion, I should do it again! Write another Serial, that is, aiyee but another totally seat-of-pants effort, now I may come to regret that, especially if I take on a story that I don’t have a clue as to what the plot will be. oh, well, how good can something be for me, if it’s not uncomfortable?**
6) (sorry, out of prettys as Item lead-in.) Well, we’ll have just to struggle on without them.
7) Una and Phyllis alway merit mention on my list, above is Una this evening, below are Phyllis and Una
8) The Wakefield Doctrine and it’s very positive and help contribution to my efforts to self-develop myself.
9) non-Winter weather, always a good thing
10) 1.3 (yeah, despite my intro and the theme of writing a TToT on a Friday night, I’ll be re-visiting this Post before I …er Post it.)
*old, odd reference/witticism back in the day, I believe in the 1970s the Catholic Church introduced Saturday evening Mass, as an alternative to Sunday Mass. The Times, they were a-changin
**said, like, every clark, everywhere (at multiple times in they lives)
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lol yes Frist
Another serial? Almost the last chapter of Blogdominion? Do I get to read the ending this week?
Almost the last! (Looking like 23 is the Last and then an Epilogue and then out) Yes, hopefully will be posting this evening.
Last chapter in the ‘Dominion? Wow! That is something to be proud of!!
I’m grateful for this here Doctrine, too.
Self-development? Why, yes! This is a never-ending quest for clarks, me thinks.
Me thinks I like the term “me thinks,” and the rest of your little blog too! Argh… bad Miss Gulch humor…sorry….didnt know I was going there…it just kinda slipped out.
How honored is the Doctrine to be the FRIST ever commentationing on my new computer… dunno if Im gonna make the TToT this week…have sooo much to catch up. What you are witnessing here is pure, unadulterated procrastination.
yeah, well if it helps (as it should through the magic of identification) I’m promptly responding to your Comment the next day!! Have not had a chance to read any of the other Posts yet!
Unadulterated procrastination (for bed at this here conference I’m spozed to attend early in the mornin) – me thinks that would be some awesome fraisin’. Hahah.
Learning about yourself through others, Clark? Why, I never a’int heard o no such thing! My word, O Law!
lol… I surely don’t recall such talk from a School Marm, when I was just a spud, in the early grades and such!
thankee self-development now, with the unparalleled advantage of having other clarks around to identify with! (which we know is huge because not only can I learn about myself through others, there are more of us that can try things and I don’t have to reinvent the damn wheel.)
You invented the wheel?
Oh, wait…read that wrong. My apologies.
I have thoughts on how the TToT is written on a Friday vs a Saturday vs a Sunday actually, as I tend to get mine up near the last every week. Feels different to me.
Thank you Kerry! I have a post half written. Shall we have a contest? lol I bet I’ll be last to post :D
Finally got mine posted, just barely under the wire., but what else is new?
hey, I’m not that old! lol
I didn’t think so either, but then…thought I read you said something about it, that hinted at something. I like to imagine strange scenarios sometimes, ones I think up as a writer. A story where you, Clark, were actually the one who had first invented the wheel. Wouldn’t that be a fabulous one?
Yes, Yes it would be I do that as well (think up scenario) but, at least to this stage of my development, I simply start a serial… Blogdominion, when I started it had the barest of plots, everything else turned up in my ‘daydream-of-the-week’ lol
Personally, I prefer to have my post written and linked up early, but it seems like lately, I’ve been linking up later. I don’t know if the post itself reads differently, but for me the writing is more generally more relaxed when I link up early.
I’m glad my comment spurred an idea for you, and as Dyanne has experience with tornadoes, she could definitely be a good resource!
…yeah, (I still have whatever feeling I had when you mentioned it)… and the good thing, now I can look forward to being anxiously un-comfortable for another six months! (I’m a clark, it’s part of the joy of life! lol) I do intend to take the same approach as I did with Blogdominion, write it a chapter per week (and hope that the story unfolds in my mind! lol… at least with Blogdominion, I had an idea for the story before I started, this time?… all I have is the Title: ‘Almira’)
I thought of you and Una the other day when a car passed me in my neighborhood with a dog that favored Una hanging out the window. My first thought was that they were going on a walk :)
ok (to the story) but I probably will be hitting you up on life in the Land of Flat Open Desolation (as I did with Kristi, which in her case she was my go-to on Mormon life)
At your service!
Thank you/cool
no questions yet, but then again, my ‘approach to writing’ is mostly write a Chapter, and hope that the characters tell me (or give me a hint) what happens next… lol. yeah, I know
Just woke my husband chuckling about the times a’changing! Thanks for the smiles as always.
you are welcome… as always
And yet in the worst ordeal there is learning. Certainly lessons I hope never to repeat!
Congrats on the wrap up of your story and the unexpected beginning of a new one. Very cool.
excellent point/new insight (of course) what you said about ‘learning’… we clarks do learn, we are the masters of knowledge, kings of the domain of information, yet, to our life-long dismay, find that, in certain areas (of our own lifes) are knowledge comes up short. I have of late, been trying to perceive (the process of) learning in an additional way, as ‘an alteration’. This appears to have some new and welcome additional value (to what I already do, i.e.) but when it comes to the path of my world, my life, I’m finding that engaging in the idea of altering (not quantifiable or measurable, at least in this context, simple, ‘the fact’ of alteration) is a good thing.
more to follow, thanks as always for the additional view