are you done with your little experiment now? | the Wakefield Doctrine are you done with your little experiment now? | the Wakefield Doctrine

are you done with your little experiment now?

Well… I hope you are enjoying the first week of our new format here at the Wakefield Doctrine.

You know, you can get in on the fun. Got ideas for Posts, or even photos to build a Post around?…send them in, we can turn your funny/tragic/pathetic/sweet/aww thats cute/ewww, gross photos into a Post (think Bernie Turpin). 
This ‘magazine format’ is going to be fun and useful  for the next few months. We are hard at work putting the pieces of the Doctrine into this new format; one of the most intense areas of development in the coming months will be the Wakefield Doctrine Fashion Center. At present, it is located in the Features section in the middle of the Homepage. (This is the same as the FASHION CENTER ‘Page’ listed in the Table of Contents.) Will be organising so that it  will allow better display and the addition of other items. Of course, there will always be hats (for your damn head). But be on the look-out for tee shirts ( hey!!! Readers!!! there is totally still time to win a hat by suggesting tee shirt words) and other clothing items. Not to get ahead of the process, but there is a possibility that we will be able to offer items from ‘the Spatula Collection’! (more info to follow, keep your fingers crossed). Other areas to watch are: (a) video gallery, where you can search/browse all the videos from Posts; the Doctrine in the News,   a ‘current events’ approach to illustrating the principles of the Wakefield Doctrine (any volunteers?); and lots, lots more. But for now we will keep getting Posts up and asking you to spread the word of the theory of clarks, scotts and rogers.

(Damn!  the rule about always having a lesson/illustration/demonstration of the Wakefield Doctrine in every Post is not to be ignored…) So on to it…

But before we get to that, upcoming features: a Case Study (poglavje dva); an Interview with a roger, and though I have not informed her yet, another Post on Couples(this being a topic that AKH has done such exemplary work for us in the past). In fact, don’t take my word for it, go and read the first installment here (don’t forget, just back click to return). So we have a lot to look forward to, prepositionally speaking.

Oh! yeah… lesson in the Doctrine.  This whole thing is mostly being driven by (the) clarklike desire to create. Of the three, clarks are the most likely to do this because rogers live in a world that is, by un-enunciated definition, perfect. The rogerian world is perfect because: ‘all that is, is all that there needs to be; otherwise it would already be there’, in other words, perfect. This is not just my opinion, this is originally spoken by Phyllis, who described the rogerian reality as being  ‘a box’. A box in this context is not confining, at least not to a roger. Rather it is confirming/reassuring/establishing…a box is quantifiable…one of the primary characteristics of rogers. But, of course, a roger will not see it as a box, because that would imply not box which would undo the perfectness of the world they live in. (Note: this does not apply directly to any rogers reading this; by definition, anyone reading this has moved beyond their form, are mutated/evolved so that what is used as description is not quite accurate. This applies to clarks and scotts as well).

All of which takes us back to yesterday’s Post. We started with the Midwest and the inference that everything fits together. As the Midwest is home to the middle of the culture by all measures, it can only follow that it is where the highest concentrations of rogers can be found. We thank Glenn for his Comment. Not only does his Comment impart information (about the notion that the Midwest is where the rogers be at) but gives us the contrasting reality-view of the scott. How can you read his Comment and not understand how scotts differ from rogers or clarks?

So to reinforce participation (and simply a thanks to a Reader who is willing to spend the time to participate, yes I’m talking  to you…99,999,975 Internet blog visitors who are too  busy, with such important things that you can’t take a minute out of your so very important day to write a simple Comment, look at Glenn!  He has a high-ranking position in the medico-industrial complex and he has time to write us.)…what!  oh yeah  sorry  gets me going sometimes  yo Glenn…

..hey I think I’ll reward my own damn self with this little number (thank god for the Crossroads Music Festival…)

clarkscottroger About clarkscottroger
Well, what exactly do you want to know? Whether I am a clark or a scott or roger? If you have to ask, then you need to keep reading the Posts for two reasons: a)to get a clear enough understanding to be able to make the determination of which type I am and 2) to realize that by definition I am all three.* *which is true for you as well, all three...but mostly one


  1. Glenn Miller says:

    Nice! Los Straitjackets. My band. 4 guys from Tennessee who wear mexican wrestling masks and play beautiful rock and roll guitar. They all have cool stagenames–The guy on the right with white mask is called Daddy-O Grande. The guitar player in the middle is known simply as Eddie. He is Eddie Angel–well known and accomplished rock guitarist who records solo frequently. Base player is Mr Pete. Drummer, a much younger guy than the others, is called Senor Teen Beat. No English is spoken during performances. Daddy-O Grande introduces each song in badly accented Spanish. The band has no singer. They bill themselves as “America’s Rock and Roll Instrumental Ensemble” Guest singers sometimes record and/or peform live with the band. They were all struggling but talented musicians until Daddy-O Grande came up with mask idea. Since then, the act has become enormously popular. They play all over the world. As another musician said about them, “Mask, and you shall receive.” Every New Years Eve they were the guest band on The Conan O’Brien Show. Very cool to see them here on The Doctrine. Their version of Benny Goodman’s “Sing Sing Sing” is a show stopper and a highlight of every concert. That song was actually composed by Louis Prima, when he was an unknown trumpet player with benny Goodman’s band.