and now a word from our | the Wakefield Doctrine and now a word from our | the Wakefield Doctrine

and now a word from our

 …have I mentioned that we will have Wakefield Doctrine t-shirts available this summer?

…yeah, we will probably start by giving them away in contests, (no chance of running out of stock taking that approach, lol… ) 
(…can I say something?…it’s getting real uncomfortable in here… )

…yeah, we figure if the hats (for your damn head) take off, the next logical item would be that old standby, ‘life-philosophy-short-enough-to-wear’ clothing item…  tee-shirts!…you know, maybe a contest to come up with things to print on Wakefield Doctrine t-shirts is not a bad idea…

…alright, a contest it is!…and then we have to get to a discussion of the points raised by our own resident roger (in the last Post)…
(…can’t you ever just relax and have some fun?…always with the Doctrine says this and the Doctrine proves that…if I were not ‘imaginary‘…)

Send in your suggestions for things to print on the Wakefield Doctrine t-shirts, the only requirement is that they must be Doctrine related, when we get a bunch, we will put them all in a Post and call for a vote!
So far we have: (from Glenn):

Really, Dude. Try not to be such a (roger, scott, clark)
I’m a scott—I Scream, Therefore I Am
I’m a roger—and you should try to be a better person
I’m a clark—You can TRY to follow my train of thought…

…my own suggestion:  I ♥ Janie Sullivan
(…how sweet, you are not so bad for a reality-based figure in a blog…wait ’til I tell Britney and Jimmy…they will be so ‘I wish I was you’… )

…since we always have to further the understanding of the Doctrine, let’s have a brief discussion of some of the points made in the last Post (CSR 101).
[ED Note: Glenn was late submitting his part of the Discussion below…there must have been some sudden movement, a bright shiny object or pershaps something soft and furry…(picture Glenn-shaped cloud at a computer slowly dissapating)…anyway his responses may be slightly out of sync but are still germane…scotts…what can ya do?]

(ROGER):   “…I’ll be referring to the last post’s mention of an affinity that exists between clarks and scotts…”
 (not ROGER):   …of course there is an affinity!  We all share the same potential! to quote the About Page:
Born with the potential to view the world in one of these three ways, all people possess the characteristics of all (three) but soon (by age 7 or so) ‘become one of the three.  Put another way: we all possess the potential to see the world as a clark or a scott or a roger.  It is only the predominance of qualities from one (over the other two) that makes us what we are.  No one is only clarklike or scottian or rogerian.
(GLENN):   Affinity is the wrong word. There are points of agreement– some compatible beliefs and perceptions–not affinity. And it is not so sinister as you have concluded. There are lots of times when clarks piss off scotts–and vice versa. Totally random. No shared agenda to put anyone down. But once a roger starts to believe something like this–it takes on life of its own. Panic sets in. Ever hear the term “Spooking the Horses”?

(ROGER):   “…I suppose that this affinity is pretty common discourse to clarks and scotts ( I have been calling it a symbiosis), but let me assure all of you; to rogers, it is quite occult.  We simply don’t see it.  Not to say we wouldn’t understand it, if illustrated.  We just don’t have a nature that would necessarily notice it.  I strongly suppose that this symbiosis is very much a second nature to clarks and scotts…”
(not ROGER):   There! there! that is a rogerian expression…he said occult…he knew the correct word but he went for the nearly correct word…damn how do they do that! Unfortunately for the herded ones, ‘symbiosis’ is not the correct term to use.  There is more commonality between clarks and rogers than there is between clarks and scotts. (This)  affinity is simply the result of the fact that clarks are not the prey of scotts, as are rogers.
(GLENN):   Hate to say this, but it is not a mystery. Rogers are simply not comfortable with anything that appears to leave them out. Without the herd, what is a roger? So, any agreement between two beings, that leaves a roger out–is suspect, possibly dangerous. Like any prey animal, they get irrationally fearful–their nostrils flare–they panic and act up–simply because they are not IN CONTROL.

(ROGER):   “…The affinity/ symbiosis is based on a shared disdain for rogers.  It is the common groundwork for all of their perceptions of rogers, and serves as the springboard to all their interactions with us.  They each have a…personal mythology that… define them as a clark or a scott…  you have your own too, and it leans you towards being more a roger than not…theirs tells them that they are vastly superior to rogers…they have it completely in common.  We… be the shared object of derision…”
(not ROGER):   fingers of one hand rubbing together…that’s the sound of me playing the world’s smallest violin…if there were not imaginary high school students in this blog right now, I might begin to get annoyed…disdain?… How about we define the term Projection: (In Psychoanalytic Theory…) the defense mechanism whereby we transfer or project our feelings about ourselves or one person onto another person.(DSM IV)
(GLENN):   Think of me as The Roger Whisperer. There..there..easy, boy. It’s just the normal way people link up and divide. It’s not clarks and scotts against the rogers. You only THINK you see a pattern. Its really more random..and natural–no danger..I’ll help you… His fight/flight response is off the charts. Poor thing. Here’s a sugar cube, boy..calm down..

(ROGER):   “…Well, #%*# that.  It’ not real.  While we’re busy singing ” We Are The World” and trying to figure out how to feed the planet, they’ve already got it solved.  If they kill you,then they eat well for a few days, and screw the planet.  Actually, to be specific; the clarks also have to eat, but don’t have the stomach for the kill.  So they find a way to get the scotts to do it for them. Symbiosis…”
(not ROGER):   Is that meant as an insult? rogers seem to have a certain…what is the word?…yes? Miss Sullivan?  (Disdain- D I S D A I N- Disdain) Thank you!  that is the correct answer and can you venture a guess why it is that rogers have such regard for clarks( gee, I knew this one kid and she was like all different from everyone and the like cheerleaders would really make fun and stuff at lunch in the cafeteria…they thought that she was like stuck-up and weird and everything but if you got to know her you knew that she wasn’t really and I finally had to say something and then they tried to make fun of me…and you can imagine how well that worked for them lol…they stopped making fun pretty soon after I had a little private talk with the head can you say shallow?)
Thank you Miss Sullivan, I suspect that this topic is much more involved than anyone imagined…what? yes, it is good to discuss these things, the Doctrine does in fact maintain that we all start the same and even though we might experience the world differently, there is still the capability in each of us to identify with either of the other two…no, I do not think it would be appropriate to hold hands and sing…back to class! everyone! much, much more to learn and so very little time left!…

..what’s that, Janie? your grandmother liked that song?…lol and your point Miss Sullivan? well, I supposed we could get a little more contemporary.  No, I really don’t believe we gain or lose readership as a result of the videos…

…what do you mean still too old?


clarkscottroger About clarkscottroger
Well, what exactly do you want to know? Whether I am a clark or a scott or roger? If you have to ask, then you need to keep reading the Posts for two reasons: a)to get a clear enough understanding to be able to make the determination of which type I am and 2) to realize that by definition I am all three.* *which is true for you as well, all three...but mostly one


  1. Downspring #1 says:

    Who doesn’t love wearing distinctive, attention getting t-shirts. Hey, what about little baby ones? (t-shirts) Everyone loves buying tiny shirts (“look honey, how cu-ute”). Get the hats, shirts, baby ones etc. and then get a scott to hit the flea market(s). Hm. Maybe a roger would enjoy the flea market better? Tough to say…..

    Yes. My comment. Most rogers’ attitude towards clarks: one of dismissal. Rogers dismiss clarks.

    The important thing to remember: statements made here are not to be read as accusatory (heaven forbid one take things personally) but rather to read and ask “why?”.

  2. clark says:

    What is it with those scotts?
    We know (from the Wakefield Doctrine) that they live in a world of action/instinct, predator/prey. They are the certain ones, (adage: a scott is often wrong but never uncertain). The basis of the appeal of scotts lies in this certainty, acting without any sign of inner turmoil, people love that.
    But how are they seeing you?
    We know how they experience the world, but what about the individuals that make up the social environment?
    We are hearing Glenn (a scott) tell us about the nature of the relationships between; clarks, scotts and rogers
    but what is he saying about the relationship of everyone to him?

    (PS: I actually know, but as our Slovinian friends say, ‘veselje je v potovanje’…just thought I would Comment)

  3. Glenn Miller says:

    Potovanje THIS motherfucker!

  4. clarkscottroger clarkscottroger says:

    rrruf, raaruff!!!