Month: February 2010 | the Wakefield Doctrine - Part 3 Month: February 2010 | the Wakefield Doctrine - Part 3

read it and sleep

Hey! OUT there can you hear me! Still stuck in ‘development’.  Is there a Writer in the house!  A grammatician? Honors English student? more than 650 on the Verbal part of SATs
JEEZ…I know! let me call…

We were talking Saturday about the Doctrine, Glenn is always coming up with ideas for Posts, most crazy, some not crazy, a handful occasionally interesting. (Hey Spike! I got a idea for a Post!!  I got one you’ll like to write!!!)  Anyway, the idea was suppose a clark tried to impersonate a scott (actually his words were ‘hey what would it sound like if a scott tried to do a roger? or a clark?).  You get the idea. 
Not a bad one at that.

So let’s do that…

Attention…Company!  Order…Steering Wheel!  Turn Signals …On!  Turn Left…Park!

I was driving to work last night and I thought about this blog and how far everyone has come in the last half-mester that we have all been together. The clark, to his credit has kept a steady stream of content appearing on these Posts, but it is good to see more from the Readers.  My feeling reading the first few Posts tends towards the sleep…sleepier…sleepiest  WHAT! no! everyone is awake and alert here, SIR!  Even in retrospectation, the early work of this band of brothers and (little packlet of sisters) is bit a on the dense side…earth to brainiacs…please check the reflectivity levels of the eyes of your Readers!  I can comb my hair in the reflection.

Anyway this is a short Post, family matters are coming to a concentration point and will require my full attention for the next few days or weeks.  It is all a natural part of this life thing that you read about and see on TV and sometimes the TV gets more and more real and the volume goes to ‘11’ and you can’t spend time in places like this.  I would like to hand out assignments for the class, to tide us over the next few Posts)

(A Guest Lecturer? in my class CSR 101?  I did not see that memo, and just who authorized or gave us the courtesy of some advanced notice?  No, I don’t think the class is ready, they have mid-Terms coming up in a few weeks, there are case studies to be examined.  No.
Already been scheduled?  Principle Clark said what?  See what happens when you try to bring a little order and consistency to this Doctrine thing?  This, this…chaos  …Glenn?! lecturing my class?  Not without  closed circuit TV.  I know I thought he wrote a good Comment…yes a whole Post on it.  But that was because he was reinforcing my earlier point.  And was not left alone in a room with children.  Yeah I know they are high school honor students.  But he is a scott, and you do not need to be an Honors student to know what that means.

The Principle will stay in the classroom?  Alright, I suppose.  Say what you will about clarks being low key and passive, they have a sense of loyalty that would shame Lassie…
What Jimmy?  Oh, it was a show about a dog from before your parents were born…yes that long ago…speaking of Lassie, has anyone seen Miss Sullivan?

Here! You idiots I’s stuck here in between Posts. If I ever get out of here and get an established premise, you little scamps are going to pay, lol.  Really, just get on with the ‘Lecture Post’, get out of this lame placeholder.  Do I have to do everything? Hey Mr. B  find us a video.  Authority?  Janie Sullivan says so that’s who…that’s better




ready as this audience that’s coming here to dream

Hello and hooray from yours truly, Downspring #1.  If you don’t get the gist of my intro, not to worry.  At least you know you are not a clark.  Think of reading the Wakefield Doctrine like being in second year Spanish class with Mr. M.  You don’t need to speak English, you are here to speak Spanish.  Here we speaks the Doctrine……

With that in mind,   I’ve decided to suit up today.  That’s right – 3 piece.  (Yes Glenn, you love the tie.  Now assume the position.)  Where was I?…. Oh yeah….I have noted some frustration at the Wakefield Doctrine in the absence of comments from readers outside the sphere of those who contribute on a fairly regular basis.  Why the silence?

I do not think it is so much that readers don’t understand the theory of clarks, scotts and rogers but rather that readers just may not have confidence (yet) to make a statement on a worldwide platform and then find out – oops! I got it wrong!  No one wants to embarrass themselves in cyberspace, especially clarks (that’s correct – clarks do not possess high confidence levels. You can read all about clarks on the clarks page can’t you.)  Perhaps before making any misstatements, readers are simply boning up on the Doctrine. (No Glenn, I did not give you permission to laugh.)

 I find the more I read, the more I remember that which I have known – there are 3 distinct ways to view the world.  Reading the Wakefield Doctrine not only reminds me of that but actually validates the whole damn thing –  anyone can recognize, react to and even anticipate another’s behavior based on how that person interacts with the world.

Since the majority of Posts are written by the Creator clark, it takes no giant leap for me to understand all that is being said (you picked up that I am a clark by now, right?!).  Sure he can ramble, sure there are the obscure references to….just about anything but there is method to the madness (or is it madness to the method.)  All roads lead to the clark.  Whatever.  The point is (the) clark speaks most loudly to clarks just as (the )Roger undoubtedly speaks most loudly (and soothingly) to all the many, many rogers out there.  The Progenitor Roger’s Posts are amusing, easy to read and most importantly they are comfortable and relaxed – like getting co-ozy on a cold winter day.  No worries.  If we all do what we are supposed to do then it’s all good.  That leaves us with the scotts in the house.  (Stand up Glenn) 
There is no doubt in my mind that the comments contributed by the aforementioned scott would do anything but confirm that scotts rule!  But seriously, Glenn has had a couple of decades of this clark, scott, roger thing under his belt to know of which he speaks.  Or swears.

So what do we know.  A clark thinks (and thinks), they stand alone, scotts act and act out (and swear while doing it) and generally tell others what to do; rogers feel (deeply and with commitment), they unite and promote harmony (2 part, 3 part all the better).

Can’t believe it took me all these words to say:  we just want to keep reading Posts and Comments that validate this shit is for real. Look a little closer. You’ll see that it is.

Indulge me in a clarklike moment – take the movie Casablanca . (Who has not heard of that movie?) Who wouldn’t say that Rick Blaine is a clark, or that Victor Laszlo is a roger of the highest order.  And Captain Renault (Louie)? A scott?  What do you think?   


reading is FUN- damental

(bad Post writing ahead*)

(*I mean bad writing of a Post not necessarily a Post that is without merit**)

(**thought I should clarifiy that***)

(***…about the writing I mean)



This is the Wakefield Doctrine (the theory of clarks, scotts and rogers) blog.

The Wakefield Doctrine is a unique, fun and effective way for you to understand  those around you, at home, at work, at school and at play. This Doctrine contains principles that sound like any one of a hundred quirky little personality ‘thumb nail sketches’ that turn up in the back of TV magazines and at the bottom of the last page of a tabloid, right below the astrology column and the diet to the Stars features. And at first glance  the Wakefield Doctrine seems as catchy and vacuous as any thing you will find in your local free newspaper. You know what I am going to say next.  So, there is no need to.

If you have decided to read a little bit more, this Post will cover two points: why you should read the rest of the content of this blog and what are the upcoming Posts going to be in the next week. (Coming attractions, if you will.)

Lets do this thing.

Doctrine  (dok trin) n.  A principle or body of principles presented for acceptance or belief, as by a religious, political, scientific, or philosophic group; dogma.
Wakefield(wayk feeled) n. A name for the theory of clarks, scotts and rogers picked simply because it sounded more credible than:  the theory of

The Wakefield Doctrine maintains we all experience the world/reality differently and that our personalities arise from the particular way we experience the world. Further, the Wakefield Doctrine proposes that there three characteristic  perception of reality we all have can be grouped into three distinct types, called for reasons stated elsewhere, clarks, scotts and rogers. By understanding the reality, the world that an individual is reacting to, we can understand the choices they make (their behavior). What follows on these pages are various efforts to convey the application of the Doct

Hello? Helloo! Is this thing on? Hey you! This is Janie Sullivan, and I need your help. I am in the process of being written/created/developed/fleshed-out or whatever the hell they call it in Creative Writing 101 when a new character is created and added to the narrative. Yes, that Jane in Rogers CSR 101 class. Why thank you! Being referenced all of 3 times and being used as a totally lame narrative device does mean I must be totally special.
You think?  Nah, they’re both pretty harmless, but that clark guy is edging towards ‘spooky-ville’ what with his totally constant fixation on ‘need to write more, need to write different, need to get more Readers’!
“Clozaril spill on Aisle 4!” Jeez, reality is a bitch, huh?  The other one seems much nicer, the Teacher. Seems so friendly, no harm there. Except that Civil War thing…”21st Century paging Mr Roger, your hobby is being recalled by the gov’t, Department of Over-specialized Interests, due to the fact that the other guy wants to play with it.”
Anyway, as a newly created character, I am getting a lot of interest from both writers and them both being such WMOGs (well meaning old guys) I am worried about what the plan is for a back story for me… so real quick here is the basic:
Janie Sullivan, AP student at Millard Fillmore High am very popular :p, my gpa puts me in the top 1 percentile. My BFF is Britney and I have not yet decided whether to go straight (to college ;}) or to spend time travelling. You know me from my ‘function’ as a character in the CSR 101 series of Post created by roger as a device to explain the Wakefield Doctrine. Thats it.  A little 2 dimensional? ….Ya think?
(So here is what I am asking, sure this is all about the Wakefield Doctrine and how it will change how you see the world. But if you are reading this and want to indulge these people then give me a better back story. You know…total athletic talent, parents with interesting jobs and/divorce, something anything.)  Gotta go….AFK

(Wellll. Lets just quietly and quickly close this Post before we get reported to Amateur Writers Guild for crimes against creative constructs.)

Oh! oh! the second thing!

In the next week we should have a couple of Posts using Roger’s  CSR 101 storyline as the backdrop for both Glenn and AKH writing a Post!  Separately, that is, (Two scotts writing one Post? That’d be metaphysically absurd, (to steal a phrase from Firesign Theater).) It’s not that 2 scotts could not write one Post, its not even that they would fight. It is about the collateral damage…the effect on those around them as the requirement of dominance ranking exerted itself.
You know how when you are with one friend who is a scott? You have fun, the scott is always doing things, moving talking never, sitting still. Action for action sake. And you either go along for the (thrill) ride or you try to focus all that energy into some sort of deliberate effort that you can enjoy. (If you are a roger or a clark, respectively).  Well, ever notice that when a second scott enters the scene, everything changes? At first there is conflict between the two scotts (establishing dominance/submission rank), but after they have that worked out, all of a sudden there is this very aggressive scott running around getting into everyone’s face. That is the submissive scott. (Remember the Warner Brothers cartoon that had two dogs as characters? One was a large Bull dog (Spike), the other a small terrier-looking thing(never quite got the name). The plot always had the dominant scott (Spike) slapping the small dog for his efforts to impress Spike.  “Hey Spike!  I know what to do!!.  (sort of an aggressive, barely more intellectually-capable, but way more aggressive Lennie from ‘Of Mice and Men’).
Thats the change to the local social environment when you have 2 scotts working one area at the same time.  Not that much fun for the non-scottian people.

Anyway, look for a couple of Posts from these two. The ‘set-up’ will be essentially the same, guest lecturers/teachers in rogers class in the Wakefield Doctrine (CSR 101). Should be fun. 

(Remembered good idea Glenn had*)

(*I agree, most ideas from a scott would not go in the comforting bin first off**)

(**I will tell you, let me get out of this ‘are-there-any-gimmacks-that-you-won’t-try?’ gimmack)

We were talking Saturday about the Doctrine, Glenn is always coming up with ideas for Posts, most crazy, some not crazy, a handful occasionally interesting. (Hey Spike! I got a idea for a Post!! I got one you’ll like to write!!!)  Anyway, the idea was suppose a clark tried to impersonate a scott (actually his words were ‘hey what would it sound like if a scott tried to do a roger? or a clark?). You get the idea.
Not a bad one at that.
Yes, clark, we know that we are already all three, predominance of one…yeah I read front page real good. But the value in the suggestion is the level of development in the person doing the ‘imitations’. As with so many things around the Doctrine, you will tell more about the person doing the experiment than the supposed point of the experiment.

Anyway I bring that up not to pat Glenn on the head (Good scott! Take a penny, please!). But to tie it to the coming Pos

HEY!  HEEY!  You are stuck with this corney ‘character-talking-to-imaginary-Readers-interupting-equally-imaginary-Narrators’ so listen up! ?People? (Janie here again), I think I  told you about the future for me, but as far as your precious little Wakefield Doctrine, no one has determined my ‘type’. Normally that would have been one the first things the writer would have set up. OH! Did I just use the word normal? Pardon me while I lmfao. Normal! Sheeit Look at your goddamn crooked feet. You got no ears on your cheeks at all. Just a hole like.
Well, if I am stuck acting out for the benefit of that bunch of wackos, then I reserve the right to decide which one of your precious 3 types…
…Nah,  maybe later.

This might be a good time for some music….Mr. B if you please….

