Month: January 2010 | the Wakefield Doctrine - Part 2 Month: January 2010 | the Wakefield Doctrine - Part 2

where do we go, where do we go now

(Semi-Topical) Post

So I am talking to my SR* and the question of the future somehow arises. This is note-worthy as most rogers maintain this ‘ Hey, I’m not a morning person, I need my coffee first, don’t bother me in the morning’ affectation.  Fine.  One learns to adjust and/or to accommodate doesn’t one? (If that one is a clark, accommodation is as knee-jerk reflexive as is the ‘pressed-lip, half-smile thing’ that all clarks  do).  So the conversation veered off the main track, swerved to avoid the large trees labeled “get pissed off” and safely rolled to a stop in the middle of a flat field.

But the original question of  ‘the future of…(fill in the blank: healthcare/the economy/war and peace/Will Clint Eastwood still cast girls 1/3 of his age as co-stars, even when wardrobe has to figure how to hide the colostomy bag?)’.  You know, your normal questions about the future that arise when you make the mistake/look forward to/otherwise expose yourself to Morning Television News.   And so this particular morning, the truncated conversation was about, “don’t they all know they are being tricked?”

Now what the heck would make that a topic for a Post in the Wakefield Doctrine? (and where are the cleverly related videos?).  Well, the reason it is a topic is that I was half of the ‘half-conversation’, and it occurred to me to ask the question: “What do clarks, scotts and rogers do with a situation like this”?
(…yes, you are correct…I never stop thinking about the Wakefield Doctrine…)

Anyway, to the question at hand.

Television on in the morning… (…’the newsman sang his same song1…) who is really watching the TV and what are they ‘getting’ from the experience?

clarks are watching if they are not enlightened, and even then they are watching in the same manner they will watch the couple getting into some heavy PDAs in the public park on a warm summer evening…Surreptitiously. Watching (TV or the couple or the goddamn world) out of the corner of the eye.  Not because the clark does not have the time or the interest to pay full attention, nooo! nothing as reasonable as that.  The clark (the unenlightened one anyway) is watching from the sidelines because he/she is not certain if they are entitled to get involved.  The news is something that is happening out ‘in the world’.  The problem (for the clark) is that he/she may spend the rest of the day trying to figure out:  a)why don’t those voters see they are being tricked and lied to;  b)why doesn’t the government simply send aid and stop posturing; and/or:  c) who wants to watch the father of the tragically dead young person emote for the cameras.
(The enlightened clarks avoid Morning News Television like it was a clown in a car at a drive-through).

scotts are watching the Morning Television News only if they are awake and not yet on the hunt.  For them, (the scotts), the news would be sort of what the lion sitting in the tree in the savannah might see; a representation of the place where the hunt will take place.  It will be an item of interest for the scott only in the most marginal of ways…(if the lioness could think it might be…’antelopes by the watering hole…sick wildebeasts by the gully…’ not a literal plan but a reminder of why the hunt will be fruitful).

rogersMorning  Television Newsrogers…what more needs to be said.  At a certain point in the lifespan of a culture all media is directed at the rogerian population.  The herd.  Currently we are seeing the point where the popular culture is meant for the rogerian mindset.
Much more can be said about what rogers are hearing on the Morning Television News…but let’s tie this thing back to the original starting point…

…so I am talking (ever so briefly) to my SR and I made the simple statement: “I don’t expose myself to the Morning Television News because I would spend the rest of the day trying to figure out how people can be so fuckin stupid/gullible/easily fooled.”
And the rogerian answer was simple” “I will think about it for 5 minutes and then get back to the important things.”


(Lets wrap this up on a positive note.  You younger Slovinianss might not know about the Captain.  But then again you are probably not watching Morning Television News having spent the night in the park making the clarks uncomfortable with your sexual hi jinks)

*SR: significant roger

1) free hat for the person to identify the song this line is from


Who are you going to believe, me or your own eyes? g.marx


‘The Eyes have it’; ‘beware the Eyes of March’; …’when the moon hit your eye like a big pizza pie, thats amore’; ‘you, my brown-eyed girl’; and of course our intro quote: ‘the eyes are the mirror to the soul…’

Mr Ricardo? if you please… (reference: eye,yi,yi…)

Eyes.  Our Launching Point today will be Eyes…the eyes of the clark, the scott and the roger.  If you study very hard and apply yourself, you will be able to determine the type (of person) you are dealing with entirely on the basis of seeing their eyes.  (Gotta love the zen-ish feel to that little phrase, ‘seeing their eyes’).
Anyway, I found a bunch of (famous) quotes about eyes at various websites, (if I haven’t said it yet today…don’t you love the internet?).  Some quotes I thought about using, ranging from the fairly familiar:…”(something)drink to me with only thine eyes(something)”; (to) the nearly familiar…”love is blind, friendship closes its eyes”… and (finally) the downright scary “And if thy right eye offend thee, pluck it out, and cast it from thee: for it is profitable for thee that one of thy members should perish, and not that thy whole body should be cast into hell.”(ewww!)

O…’kay!  Who is ready for today’s lesson in the Wakefield Doctrine?
(Yes? Janie? “No, not right now, roger is preparing his lesson plan, I am the substitute teacher for right now…”)
(“No, it will not take long and yes I am certified to teach this class.”)

The eyes.  clark…scott…roger…

Since scotts are very easy to spot and we will be using a vid clip of a scott and a roger interacting, lets start with the eyes of the clark.

As much as a scott is said to be always focused on their immediate surroundings, a clark will always be (at least partially) focused on a place that just is not available to rogers or scotts.  There is a ‘depth’ to the look in the eyes (of the clarks); something that at first glance (ha ha) appears to be non-attention, but is, the primary characteristic of clarks. (What?!)

Lets get right to our example…

So, what do you think you saw?
(Now look at this clip with the sound off…) The eyes are very prominent, to the point of being the focal point (ha ha again) of the face.  And there seems, at first glance (alright, enough with the puns), to be a peculiar focus in Flo’s eyes.  Not the steely gaze of a scott,  but there is an element of  ‘calculation’ lurking in the back of that friendly face.  A sense of ‘I am doing this right now but I have other matters that I must attend to…’.

(Or I am just being too clarklike, and maybe she is just a daffy broad.)

Lets move on to the eyes of the scotts and the rogers

The easiest (eyes) to ‘detect’ are those of  the scotts.
Very simple, very distinctive.  The eyes of the scott are clearly focused on their environment, which means the people in the immediate area.  They will always be focused on something, on the lookout for threats, searching for prey.

In the following scene from the movie Wolf, we see a scott and a roger (Nicholson and Spader, respectively).  The more interesting (of the two characters) to watch is the roger.  You know who the scott is, so that leaves the other character as the roger.  Look at the scott first.  In the scene he stands in one spot, barely moving yet totally concentrating on his prey.
Can you see the look in James (Spader’s characters) eyes change as the scene develops?  There is an initial confidence, self-assurance to the eyes of the roger, but watch his expression change when the threat (from the scott) becomes undeniable.

Well I hope you all got something from today’s lesson.  Please do not get upset, but my closing music clip is the totally ‘ear worm’ infected White Stripes. (Warning: Unless you are prepared to be humming the bass line from this song all day today, you had best turn the sound off.)

For our international friends:

Slovinanns!!: zavoj zvok ne sveže , nagel!
(Our increasing fan base in France):  arrêtez le bruit, vite !

The rest of you?, you are on your own binyons…


CSR 101

     Ok, class, let’s settle in… what’s that, Janie? Substitute teacher? We don’t need no stinking substitute teachers. Oh, right… the old “look into my eyes” bit… next time, Jane, just scream real loud, kick him straight in the bollocks, and call 911.  Jeez, if a Clark got you, you’d end up babbling about string theory and where the donut shops are in the fourth dimension for the rest of your life. What?… you already know?? He bought you two chocolate-frosteds with jimmies that don’t really exist, and a large decaf ( because caffeine was outlawed ages  ago in the “real” universe?)Jane! Jane, look at me!! No, not over my shoulder!!! Jane, you’re fading! Come back….come back….Jane…. come back…. Oh, hell. I just hate it when that happens. Another one tanked… All right,then. As for the rest of you, let’s pick it up where we left off….

     OK, then so who can tell me the difference between the WD and the BSO? ( see last class’ post ) Anyone? Anyone at all? No? Jane? ( camera pans to Jane, who is staring out the window and trying to do calculus on her fingers ). Ok, forget Jane. She’ll be out there for a while yet.

     That was a trick question! The answer is…there is no difference. Well not much, anyway.  Back in your seats, let me explain…and someone please grab Jane by the ankle, she’s apparently discovered mutli- dimensional weightlessness , and the window’s open…I think that’s due to the jimmies that don’t exist…Hey, do people outside of Rhode Island know what jimmies are? I had Del’s and clam cakes for breakfast, is that weird?

     Ok, enough. Back to work.

     The WD/BSO comparison actually struck me as being a good example of the WD on a big, big scale. Macro. Freaking huge. We generally assume the WD to be all about interpersonal stuff ( by the way, great job AKH- and a comment fron Denise that could easily be expanded into a few posts; yeah, that’s a hint, Girlie!). But seen on a larger scale, it actually works quite the same way. Let’s have a look;

                              The Wakefield Doctrine                                                                                                The Boston Symphony Orchestra

     Clarks- internally active, cerebral                                                                         Work Being Performed                                         

     Scotts- socially outward, good salesmen                                                          Conductor; co-ordinator/ interpreter

     Rogers- detail-oriented, socially inclusive                                                     Orchestra; Strata/sub-strata of specialists

      Well, there it is. Self-explanatory, yes?   No? Ok, then, let’s break it down a bit.

     To have the BSO function properly, there is an absolutely overwhelming level of coordination that must be maintained on several critical levels, all simultaneously. If anyone drops the ball, then the end result is percieved as a bad performance, a lousy conductor, a mediocre orchestra. In their world, that’s simply not going to happen. In reality, the actual difference between a first-rate orchestra and the others is probably very slight; the margin for error is almost non-existent.

     The largest grouping in this setting is comprised of the players themselves, and my analogy labels them as Rogers. Every damn one of them. They’re highly trained, highly skilled, supremely confident. They aren’t just great classical musicians ( a phenomenal accomplishment on its own), they’re the top percentile of those guys. They simply do not screw up. They are all machine operators. And, what amazes me the most about them; they do what they do, and  manage to stay focused on the conductor. Who, BTW, in this analogy…

     is a Scott.  A perfect salesman, he has full knowledge and complete, utter control of everything before him. He embodies all the player’s capabilities. He knows every nuance of what they can do, and uses that knowledge to interpret the music; he does a lot more than just keep everyone in tempo. He is using the big machine to make known the wishes and intent of the composer. He sees all this at a glance, and simply needs all the Rogers to be perfectly precise on his command. And, in this last segment of analogy, the composer is…

    the resident Clark. The guy who creates the entire thing in his head, and desperately needs a few good Scotts and a damn lot of Rogers to get the thing out to where the public at large can access it. He knows all of it. He has to consider the interpreters along with the machine operators; make sure that it gets out there the way he wants it to. Bach? Beethoven? Mozart? Just a tiny little bit eccentric, yes? No freaking wonder.

     And if all that works just like it’s supposed to, then we get to hear …the BSO. Or put in WD terms; if all the Clarks, Scotts and Rogers all read one another correctly and fairly, then the world should be just ever so slightly a better place than it was before.

     And since I’m in the mood, may I recommend ; Henry Gorecki’s Third Symphony. It starts with a repeating figure on bowed double bass ( one of my favorite instruments) and develops it into a hypnotic theme. It doesn’t really have a sense of time or tempo to it, it just hangs in space like the soundtrack to a prophetic dream. Gorgeous. Give it a shot, binyons. A little high culture won’t kill your asses. And someone wake Janie up, it’s time to shut the lights off.

ON THE NEXT POST: I have no idea.





scott/roger couples in love take 2

**Before we continue with our study of the rogerian male/scottian female Couple, a word about Comments:

We are seeing an increasing and relatively steady Reader/Visit rate from the UK as well as Central and Western US.  To these Readers we say:
“Welcome! The free ride is over.  If you are still following this blog, it must be assumed you are assimilating ideas contained in the Wakefield Doctrine.  That’s great, but we want more.  We want you to contribute/comment/feedback.  This is vitally important at this juncture. And don’t worry about asking stupid questions, you know the old saying1
At the bottom of this Post is a place for Comments, when you are done reading today’s Post, click on it and Comment.  Hell, even if it is only in order to identify your ‘type’ (Doctrine-wise), it will be useful to know how many clarks and scotts and rogers are making up the current reader demographic.  In the words of the  Lady2  ‘You’ve been told’

To continue our examination of the scottian female/rogerian male that we started in a previous Post.  We left the discussion with the idea that the interdependency inherent in a Couple-hood like this would be quite interesting.  AKH (a Downspring) was gracious enough to spend her time in order to give a us ‘view’ of the relationship from the scottian perspective (or perhaps better to say, ‘from the perspective of one particular scott’).  It is invaluable for those of us (clarks and rogers) who simply cannot see this view.

(AKH, if you please):

This material contains matters which may be subjective as they apply to The Wakefield Doctrine.  Reader discretion is advised….
First of all, my boyfriend Greg (not established long enough to be considered “partners” yet) is predominately a rogerian guy.  Honest to God!! Being a scottian female myself, this post really hit home.  It elicited a rather loud Holy Shit! response to say the least.  From what I’ve learned to be the tell-tale signs of the clark/scott/rogers of the world you’d think that it wouldn’t have been such a surprise reading this post.  The fact of the matter is that I never directly applied this knowledge to my own relationship (stop shaking your head).  And you’re thinking “How the hell could you not?”  Don’t have an answer to that one.  So I will now attempt to enter (my) uncharted territory as it applies to the rogerian male in a relationship.
Ours is a well-balanced, harmonious relationship.  Our good sense of humor plays off of each other, often laughing at ourselves.  And we goad each other on.  And yes, we’re both smart and good-looking.  Don’t mean to sound vain, but it is what it is.  OK, enough re-iterating from the post (but it’s so spot on!).
To preface, from my female scottian perspective, Greg couldn’t be more suited for me.  He’s VERY attentive and puts me on a pedestal (what more could a scottian girl ask for?). When we’re out together I am proud to show the world that he’s with ME.  I gloat over the fact that this very handsome guy chose ME.  And he enjoys that.  Don’t get me wrong, looks aren’t everything, but they certainly don’t hurt.  He feeds my ego without even knowing it.  So, without further ado, on to the question at hand:  What’s up with those rogers?
Rogerian guys are usually very passive.  Never wanting to rock the boat so to speak.  However, sometimes that passivity can be misconstrued as laziness or even disinterest.  They are eager to please, but not at the cost of allowing another to take advantage of them.  They will and do venture from their herd-like mentality given it is worth it for the “right” person and as a result become more outstanding, more independent if you will. In my particular case I don’t feel as though he was necessarily of a strong herd mentality so much as just following the status quo.  Wait a minute, was that a contradiction?  Oh it’s all so confusing!  No black and white in the world of the clark/scott/rogers.  Because we all have some of each within us, it’s sometimes difficult to put things in a nicely-wrapped gift box.  Particularly in this response as I am honestly unable to be entirely objective given my relationship with my rogerian boyfriend.
Perhaps due to my limited scottian personality (did she really just say that??) I’m trying to express a need to be viewed as one in a relationship with someone who IS strong and independent. And Greg is.  A scottian female would not want to be associated with someone who is weak.  It would be too easy, if not downright boring.
Moving along, the rogerian guys can be the class clowns and laugh at themselves easily.  It doesn’t bother them too much to be the butt of the joke.  They also enjoy laughing at others, usually not with mal-intent.  They’re goal-oriented and when serious just might surprise you by their strong convictions. They are, for the most part, agreeable.  But not to the point of being submissive.  Rogerian men are non-confrontational which works well for the scottian counterpart who deems herself as being somewhat superior.  In a scottian/rogerian relationship the individual characteristics balance each other out quite well and is satisfying for both.  The rogerian guy is very loyal, caring, loving, unselfish and a good listener with a heart of gold.
All of this being said, a scottian female could not be happier to have a rogerian guy.  Am I babbling yet? I’ll quit while I’m ahead (if that).

Thank you AKH.

Speaking of scottian female (perspectives)…. you need to see the following vids.  Jesus Christ!  After what I said about understanding from another’s perspective and all that ‘walk-a-mile-in-someone-else’s-mocassins’ crap, along come the following two views of Couplehood.  (And this Post is about Couplehood/Coupleness/Coupleosity).

Watch and be amazed. (A free hat to any Reader who successfully explains the commonality between these two videos).

Now for something really suggestive…

click HERE

Come Slovenians, Comment!  Don’t worry about language differences, this is the damn internet, I’ll figure something out.

1. ‘There are no stupid questions, only your questions…

2. The Lady: if you work really, really, really hard and understand the Doctrine cold, you can ask again and maybe we will tell you about her. (She is wonderful)


this just in

“The Point….please”, (writes Concerned Reader), “tell us (the Point of):”
                        a) this blog;
                        b) all these words, some clever some charming and some just plain odd;
                        c) since I am asking the Point of the Wakefield Doctrine.

(Concerned Reader goes on to say):

“Have been following this blog since the summer. I have found it to be clever, sometimes even funny but what is the Pay Off?
What is the benefit to me, the Reader,  today?  
(The internet is nothing if it is not a ‘place’ that is totally jammed full of cute and clever, interesting and intriguing (there you go again with the ‘Clever’ shit) sites.

Tell me, tell your 14 subscribers, what the value to us today in real terms is, what should we expect to see as a return on the investment of our time spent here.”

Dear Concerned Reader,

There is no Point.

The Wakefield Doctrine is simply a modern example of ‘vanity publishing’. Due to the ridiculously easy access and ridiculously large field of promulgation inherent to the internet, the temption of such an immense audience was just not possible to resist.  Armed with an average home computer and an internet connection, we have taken a clever idea and vanity published it to a (potential) global readership.

That is all it is.

A idea.
A thought expanded to the level of a topic of casual conversation.

The Wakefield Doctrine (the theory of clarks, scotts and rogers) is whatever you choose to make of it.
