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The Wakefield Doctrine is fun way of looking at personality types. We say there are three personality types: clarks, scotts and rogers.  If you know that your spouse is a roger, for instance, then you will understand why they act the way that they do.  If they are scottian personality types then they will behave thusly or will like to do this or do that.

Everyone  loves a good ‘personality type’ system.  Be it astrology, body types, or birth order we all have a desire to understand why the people in our lives act the way that they do.  Personality (type)  systems be it EPPS or ENTMP,  axis of civility(AOC) or the theory of clarksscotts and rogers, are entertaining because they are mirrors.  They offer us a different way to look at the familiar.

There is an old story/fable/lesson that tells about how a traveller to a new country asks the first person he encounters what are the people in the Village like ?  He is told ‘everyone is very suspicious and hostile’.  Then, a day later, a second traveller does the same thing and this time he is told, ‘everyone who lives in the Village is warm and friendly’.  A year later these two explorers meet and talk about their adventures.  One says to the other, there was one place where everyone was really mean and distrustful’ and the other explorer, recognising the landmarks says, ‘I went to the same Village but everyone was friendly…’!

We have all heard a version of this story at some point in our lives and the lesson is, of course, that  “expectation will determine our experiences with people”.

The Wakefield Doctrine takes this morality tale a step further.  We say that each of us begins life with a predisposition or bias to what can be expected from life and that becomes the life we live.  If you believe that the world is inimical, hostile,  a place of predator and prey, then the world is like that.  The Wakefield Doctrine approaches personality types from the position that if you know the bias a person has towards the world at large, then you will know how they will act and react, without ever meeting that individual.

Here we talk about a person being a clark or a scott or a roger.  Three ways to view the nature of the world.  This is not about gender nor it is about age or culture or even race.  It is simply ‘did you start your life believing the world was like…? ‘

Then you are a roger or a clark or a scott.

Everything else you would want to know follows from that.

This blog is new, not so well organised, but the information you will find here comes from people who know about the Wakefield Doctrine (the theory of clarks, scotts and rogers) and if you read through all the pages you will come to understand and you will see the world (and the people in it) in a slightly different, but very interesting way.

Ed Note: The best place to start reading this blog all depends on which of the three personality types you are. But, you ask, how can I know which I am before I read this? Congratulations, you are a roger. If you read this previous sentence and said, ‘no kidding’ to yourself, you are a clark and everyone else is a scott. So, clarks and scotts head on over to the ‘By these names…’ Page and you rogers had best start with the ‘You might be a …’  Page, if you find the Ken Burns bit funny, your type is confirmed.

Good Luck!

Do me a favor and write some Comments. I have been told that my writing style is a bit stiff and formal, and it is taking every ounce of willpower not to use a parenthesis, but if you Comment and say, ‘Hey! Let go and use them parentheses(es)(s).‘ I really will appreciate it. And as a reward, I recommend that you go to the Post titled ‘the Wakefield Doctrine (a Prehistory)’1 it is fun and uninformative to read.


(1) Doesn’t count as using a parenthesis, it is the Title of the Post, dammit


clarkscottroger About clarkscottroger
Well, what exactly do you want to know? Whether I am a clark or a scott or roger? If you have to ask, then you need to keep reading the Posts for two reasons: a)to get a clear enough understanding to be able to make the determination of which type I am and 2) to realize that by definition I am all three.* *which is true for you as well, all three...but mostly one