T-Tea-oh-Tee ‘the Rule of the AutoCorrect’ …the Wakefield Doctrine (yes, you can lean all about people, but it’s fun two!!) | the Wakefield Doctrine T-Tea-oh-Tee ‘the Rule of the AutoCorrect’ …the Wakefield Doctrine (yes, you can lean all about people, but it’s fun two!!) | the Wakefield Doctrine

T-Tea-oh-Tee ‘the Rule of the AutoCorrect’ …the Wakefield Doctrine (yes, you can lean all about people, but it’s fun two!!)

Welcome to the Wakefield Doctrine (the theory of clarks, scotts and rogers)


I should write something that’s both engaging and enticing about this week’s (sub)theme…. ‘the Rule of the AutoCorrect’.  I will try, as I need the practice. I need the practice because the First Rule of sales/Teaching/Counseling/Seduction is to get your audience/pupils/client/her-or-him, to ‘identify with you’.  ‘You’ being the person: on the stage/in front of the class/seated unobtrusively near-but-not-too-near/moving in for the kill.

What’s this process like? I was thinking about that very thing,  just this morning…(” man! was I tired…I could barely get here on time…oh, is it time already?…..”) the ‘medium of exchange’ for identification are the acts and emotions and thoughts that virtually everyone in your target market experience, ideally at the moment of the attempt to identify.  If you manage to pull this off,  you have a shot.  (hey…. did he just use the words: acts and emotions and thoughts?!!  wait…just..a minute! that sounds like….)

1) I’m grateful for having ideas, however odd or off-the-wall they might be. If I did not, I fear that I wouldn’t be able to get through a list of 10 Items of gratitude more than say 3 times. I lead a pretty bi-monotonous-life.1

2) I am totally grateful for the perspective that I am reminded to appreciate that I have, each week here by all you other TToT participants. Specifically I am gland that today I have (fill-in your choice of modifiers: good, not bad, reasonable, better than before, could-be-worse) health. I mention this because,  just this week one of the people in my office came in to say that their spouse was half-way diagnosed with a way-serious form of disease.2  I deliberately reminded myself that I did not, at that moment, have the medical diagnosis that this person had, (a diagnosis that was forcefully re-writing their lives).

3) I am grateful for Una, as we went for a ride last evening. She enjoys the process as only dogs seem capable of, enthusiastically and without the slightest self-consciousness or…. even more impressively,  without that inevitable, (at least for me), “oh…is it over now? do we have to stop, I was having fun.” Really hope someday to have that level of development.

4) Comments this week at the Doctrine were fun, challenging, encouraging and very cool.  (these were re-written by a clark and a scott and  a roger and a clark…. you’ll need to go back and figure it out for yourself)

5) Video goes here:

6) oh…oh!!  I made a special TToT Offer in my vid!  damn, almost forgot!  lol…. seemed like a good idea at the time, I am a co-host (from the Great State of Y Chromia) after all…. since this offer involves a secret password, I best leave it be and let those who would sit through god-knows-how-many-minutes of ‘Dog and Cow Fields’  to reap the benefits

7) shit! I’ve totally left behind my ‘hook’ for today’s Post!  what the hell!  Tell you what, I’ll say a little about the subject now, and then I’ll try to come up with something for tomorrow’s….wait!! I’m not on the every-day-schedule!! I’m totally confused at this point. But, I am grateful that I started down this aisle in the great rhetorical supermarket/warehouse supply/adult toys and exotic clothing store that is my mind these days, because I realize I have a couple of more items!

8) I am very grateful to everyone who helped (with Comments) and supported (with Reading) the Wakefield Doctrine 30 Day Challenge. I enjoyed every day of it and, once again, the magic of the Wakefield Doctrine was there… to wit: I got more out of the process than I put into it. And this is largely because of you, the Readers.  Thanks.

9) I should bring this up in the beginning of a TToT Post, but, since I’m already down here, on Item 9, let me say that there are, of late,  murmurings and rumours and whispered talks about the Seven Guard Virgins. Who are they… where did they come from, is that one, second from the left, really as hot as she looks? The normal kind of questions people would have about a group of people wielding as much power as they do… it’s inevitable that this topic should come up, especially with the approach of the winter (“I already wrote three posts about icicles, and puppies in the snow…. I want to write about the 7 Guard Virgins!!”)… more to follow.

10) 1.3 (aka 3.1…. better ask Z)


Ten Things of Thankful


 Your hosts

Join the Ten Things of Thankful Facebook Group

1)  not a ‘real’ word

2)  all clarks have a hyper-developed sense of privacy, especially as it concerns information that they have about other people… this is a perfect example of manifestation:  all three world views learn things about the people in their world around them… what that experience is, is different according to worldview.

  • clarks  are Outsiders, they do however acquire information primarily because they are good listeners and take the notion of ‘keeping a confidence’ to an extreme… as a result we have nothing to trade in the social economy
  • scotts are predators, often they acquire information as a byproduct of ‘the hunt’ (visual: the lioness trots towards the pride with a full grown antelope carcass, occasionally a leg or forepaw gets torn off…she will usually let who ever had the balls to run off with it, keep it… also, other predators and sometimes even, prey, will offer information as a way to interact with the scott without having a floating sign over their head that says “USDA GradeA” in glowing letters…. it works, for a while.
  • rogers are members of the Herd…. you know about Wall St?  (not the specific elements, the general concept)  like that for the socio-emotional economy of human society. rogers learn about the people and the the things that are going on and they exchange it with others

clarkscottroger About clarkscottroger
Well, what exactly do you want to know? Whether I am a clark or a scott or roger? If you have to ask, then you need to keep reading the Posts for two reasons: a)to get a clear enough understanding to be able to make the determination of which type I am and 2) to realize that by definition I am all three.* *which is true for you as well, all three...but mostly one


  1. Kristi says:

    The phrase, “heart, mind, might, and strength” appears in scripture, and I couldn’t help but think of it when you mentioned “acts, emotions, and thoughts.” I know that there has been discussion here before about aging and becoming more aware/tolerant/etc. of non-dominant worldviews. I think it could be that as we learn to experience all three/four (acts, emotions, thoughts or heart, mind, might, and strength) that we become more complete–for lack of a better word.

    Rather deep thoughts for a Saturday morning. We’ll see what auto-correct does with my comment. :-) Hopefully it makes sense.

    • clarkscottroger clarkscottroger says:


      ” …that we become more complete–for lack of a better word. Rather deep thoughts for a Saturday morning.”
      well, seeing how it is (now) Saturday afternoon, certainly not too deep
      First off…thank you for recognizing what the true, underlying ambition of the Wakefield Doctrine in fact is, to learn to develop and integrate all three aspects into a balanced whole. While I have a ways to go, (in identifying and expressing the ways that the Doctrine can be used as a tool for this end), it’s totally heartening when Readers spot the potential inherent in our little personality theory. Given how daunting a task this kind of self-development is, we can all benefit by as many tools as possible.

  2. fangboner1 says:

    HA! FRIST!

  3. fangboner1 says:

    Dang it… Kristi beat me ….

    the excitement of a dog on a drive is extremely contagious!

  4. valj2750 says:

    Well, Clark. Seems you survived a post a day with a positive outcome. #2 How gland are you? Damn autocorrect.

    • clarkscottroger clarkscottroger says:

      nice one! I was thinking about how I might ‘force’ the SpellerChecker to produce some funny substitutions, but I think they have a circuit that detects when a user is trying to ‘set them up’… may have to start a file to collect the ones I see in the course of the week.

  5. Jen @ Driftwood Gardens says:

    My auto correct makes up words that aren’t even real, I swear. But they are always good for a laugh! I love that little Una – I hope she makes a video appearance next weekend…

    • clarkscottroger clarkscottroger says:


      by popular demand (actually I was still downloading the vid when I published)… she totally steals every scene shes in!

  6. I’m thankful for your off the wall ideas, too, Clark. Taught me a lot about personality! And the more I apply it to the people I run into, the more accurate I think it is.

    • clarkscottroger clarkscottroger says:


      yeah I know what you mean….and not just more accurate, but my latest goal is to find every day examples of how the Doctrine is evident and (also) how a person might use the insights that are available

    • lrconsiderer says:

      What she said.

  7. susanzutautas says:

    Auto correct is crazy at times. Loving these video’s!

    • clarkscottroger clarkscottroger says:


      Just thinking this afternoon, I should get out of the car (like to investigate the possibly-sentient cows)…but I tried a vid of me and Una on a ‘real’ walk… not as interesting, unfortunately.

  8. Lisa @ The Meaning of Me says:

    AutoCorrect is a pain, but also awfully entertaining.
    Loved your every day challenge – gave me a better understanding of your thoughts here.

    • clarkscottroger clarkscottroger says:

      “…gave me a better understanding of your thoughts here.”

      my condolences… ha ha (actually, I will retract that last joke as being too clarklike and contrary to the effort to self-develop myself) thank you nevertheless

  9. christine says:

    So, my youngest was sitting on my lap and enjoying the video when an annoying beeping began. Conversation went like this: It’s the car telling him to put his seat belt on. He doesn’t have his belt on? Nope. If he gets in a crash, he could fly through the window! Yup.

    It’s him, not me scolding you.

    Nice job making it through your 30 days. Lots of good info and fun was shared throughout September.

    *whispers* 37

  10. Sarah says:

    But they’re not all female, right? Perhaps eunuchs?

  11. zoebyrd says:

    I think #37 should be gratitude that you don’t live near feral cows… I hear they can be quite dangerous… they carry switchblades and dance around like the jets from west side story… ( where the hell did that come from?) and did Una actually say “yup” somewhere around 2: 48ish?

    • clarkscottroger clarkscottroger says:

      (jeez…. Michael Jackson kinda ruined this for us with ‘Thriller’…. but it was 1961…hell, that’s like the ’50s )

  12. lrconsiderer says:

    1.3 is a palindrome?

  13. Kristi Campbell - findingninee says:

    I obviously missed out on some serious shit while not playing along recently and part of me is desperate to go back and figure it all out – weeding meticulously but really, I’m totally fucking lazy and overwhelmed and will just have to assume that once again, the party went on without me (which is both easy and hard to believe because if a party happens and I’m not there, does it happen?). But still #7 WTF?? And um. Dogs? Dogs rule. I hope to someday get to the same point of abandon and joy that they have.

  14. Joy Christi says:

    “moving in for the kill”
    You should totally the How-To book on seduction!
    I didn’t even KNOW you had a challenge, that is the level of suckage I have achieved in blogdome lately. I’ve demoted myself from part-time blogger to a casual Blog Dabbler. Not sure if/when I’ll be back, but I MISS YOU GUYS and your off the wall ideas! At least I TToT’d this week ??

    • clarkscottroger clarkscottroger says:


      yeah… one of those Post-a-day things, couldn’t get a Sponsor so I self-sponsored it myself… watch for September becoming known in the blogsphere as the self-induced-torment Challenge Month! I kid me, it was fun (Tony Montoya to Frank Lopez in ‘Scarface’)
      maybe you could drop by for the next vid chat… that’d be fun

      yeah, the Wakefield Doctrine Reveals All on Scoration!

  15. dyannedillon says:

    I had this great auto correct story, and now I can’t remember the details enough to tell it! The gist of it Emma went into my phone and changed something somewhere so that when I typed “love you too” it would change it to something naughty (that’s what I can’t remember, and it would make a better story if I could). But instead, she did it backwards, so one day I was typing something naughty and it kept changing to “love you too”. We were all in the car together when it happened, and she said she was wondering how long it would take me to figure it out. The real joke was on her, though, since she set up her own joke wrong. I had to get my son to fix it, because I didn’t trust her to do it.

  16. Pattie says:

    I turned Auto Correct off and now I spend more time fixing spelling errors that I think it might have been just as well to leave the AC on. Not thankful for AC most of the time.