TToT post (fif)T the Wakefield Doctrine (…of kith and kin1). | the Wakefield Doctrine TToT post (fif)T the Wakefield Doctrine (…of kith and kin1). | the Wakefield Doctrine

TToT post (fif)T the Wakefield Doctrine (…of kith and kin1).

Welcome to the Wakefield Doctrine (the theory of clarks, scotts and rogers)


As you know, unless you have been living on Mars or someplace that only has dial-up, the premise of this bloghop is,  the effort to identify the positive things or, the things that we feel grateful for, if you prefer, that have occurred in our respective lives over the course of the past week, results in a better state of: a) mind, b)mood or c)viewership of our blogs. No matter what your motive or agenda, Lizzi Rogers and her cohort of skilled writerinae invite you to write a Post, link it here and tell 3 other people to do the same. Pretty simple, isn’t it?


1) The photo of Una on our Friday evening walk is always a good way to start. Una either knows which day is Friday or recognizes the word because when I get home I will say something to the effect, “…so, how was your day? you do realize that it is, in fact, Friday, do you not?”2  and she’s all up off the couch and at the door to the garage, totally excited. She simply has fun…. sticking her head out the window as I drive along at 5 to 10 mph.

2)  very grateful for Christine’s writing the Thursday Guest Post Thursday Post….this week. how good was that Post… I add to my compliment (to not only Christine, but the others who have written Guest posts…. Kristi and Roger and Jean) for working under what some may consider difficult conditions for any blogger, i.e. the totally open ended guidelines that I present to each of those who do us the honor of writing words and such.  I have said to each, ‘whatever you feel like writing, what is fun or enjoyable at the moment, no requirements at all.

3) interesting writing project going on with Denise and roger…an attempt at a collaborative story(thing), the last 3 or 4 ‘Chapters’ have been one or the other…don’t want to spoil the fun for anyone who would like to try to figure (from the writing) which is who…  (seeing as how this is the Doctrine, allow me to)  the Wakefield Doctrine presents   ‘a story written by a clark and a roger‘  (no title yet)

4) speaking of Christine, I am grateful to be able to switch from anti-gratitude in regards to her condition, state, prognosis and condition-prior-to-travel, a little hypo-gratitude remains for her soccer career, but, we suspect, that she will find other outlets to satisfy her normal (scottian) prey drive.

5) work… no! wait! ‘though I reference it rather frequently, being, as it is, one of the Top 5 funniest Movies of all Time, here’s a clip from the movie

6) am grateful for the opportunity to be (included in) and, participate in, the festivities of last weekend, the outcropping of good wishes3 from so many people

7) the current state of the weather is surely a matter of no small importance for me in the past week, as we have not had a single, significant snow event in the entire period.

8) (relative) good health…which Dyanne’s (effective) insistence on a ‘fishing story’ caused me to bring my physical condition into a useful and productive perspective. You know, think back to 1981 or so (for those not in a position to do so because they are age deficient, try a note to Shirley MacLaine4). I was in my 20s and in decent shape. I am currently not in my 20s and not in un-healthy shape, so it is a matter of finding my way back. One of the good things about knowing scotts, like Dyanne and Christine and Jean, they have that physicality quality to their persons. (Note: no, rogers! I did not say they are in good physical shape, I said physicality  which is a quality of being, not a condition of the body…. knuckleheads)

9) the Book of Secret Rules (aka the Secret Book of Rules) very glad to see that this total lifesaver of the blog realm received such good press among the various Posts in last week’s hop! One of the differences between the TToT and the vast number of other blog hops is that we recognize and respect the capability and the need to mess with the rules (of the bloghop) from time to time. Lizzi, in her wisdom, says to participants, she says, “alright binyons! I know you’re gonna mess with my guidelines… if you do then you better have the damn rhetorical chops to create a plausible Rule to support, allow, condone or otherwise cover you rule-breaking asses when you do!”

10) (ahem…) SBOR 1.3

1)  no, it only looks like a Klingon word

2)  do I really need to insist that I do, in fact, talk like that to our dog?  no, I didn’t think so

3) a  faux rogerian expression

4) yeah, I agree, needlessly obscure reference… will come back later and delete

Ten Things of Thankful


 Your hosts


clarkscottroger About clarkscottroger
Well, what exactly do you want to know? Whether I am a clark or a scott or roger? If you have to ask, then you need to keep reading the Posts for two reasons: a)to get a clear enough understanding to be able to make the determination of which type I am and 2) to realize that by definition I am all three.* *which is true for you as well, all three...but mostly one


  1. frist!

  2. jny_jeanpretty says:

    Very funny and wonderful TToT. not thrilled with you disappearing yesterday. we all care about you ( we. being me and everyone, as well as my multiple personalities I forgot to mention).

    love Mel and his cohortinae

    • clarkscottroger clarkscottroger says:

      thanks… so what is this ‘yesterday’ you speak of? lol damn! the time keeps on slippin in to the future (and S Miller and them might say)

      missed the vidchat last night (well, I was there early (until 8:30 or so) but then fell asleep and all)

      awake now

  3. I’m still trying to wrap my head around the Secret Book of Rules and who the heck are the Seven Guard Virgins anyway? Sounds like a good week, especially the nicer weather and the DOG parts! Have a wonderful week.

  4. Denise says:

    Me neither jhanay! I was actually awake last night and looking forward to a bit o socializating.
    I looked for a link and could not find one.

    Good TToT today Clark. Good one!

  5. You take Una for a Friday walk in the car? You walk to the car? Because that picture is unmistakably a dog in a car.
    I loved the fishing story!
    Oh, shoot, I forgot to include a picture in my TToT for you!

  6. zoebyrd says:

    actual proper groupies of the Doctrine know that Clark’s Friday ” walk” with Una is a 5 to 10 mph romp in the car… refer back to … a while ago…

    • exusez moi zoe! now you tell me! epic fail, here!

      jean xox (who really never says epic fail in real life)

      • clarkscottroger clarkscottroger says:

        (previously filmed before a live TToT!)

        • jny_jeanpretty says:

          just watched it. very calming and nice

        • zoebyrd says:

          I think thats my favorite Una clip. Hey fyi or maybe you know and have a reason… this am I clicked on your site from my blog list and it came up in code three different times… dunno… finally got here in normal text not html …. huh… Maybe its my link? I will go back and reload it maybe that will help… just thought you might know what was up. Have a good day! me

        • OK, now I get it! Being a cat owner, we need not worry about such things. Una looks like she’s having the time of her life!

  7. lrconsiderer says:

    Ahhhhh the old stalwart 1.3 :)

    I like being a co-hoppee with you, Clark. And some other things which I was going to say but which fell out of my head. Something to do with…

    YES I liked Christine’s post. And.

    No I forget the rest.

    And I like the BOSR. That too.

  8. Cool walk with Una there. say hi to her for me!

    • clarkscottroger clarkscottroger says:

      will do..

      See?!?! (everyone else…almost)…Michelle knows dogs and recognizes what a huge thing scent is for dogs and (therefore) our ‘walks’ are the mobile version of like a 2 hour walk… ya know?

  9. Kristi says:

    Of course you talk to your dog that way! I ask Drexel twice a day, “Is the puppy hungry?” My dad would ask his dog, “What’s the matter? Is Timmy in the well?” every time he was getting ready to take the dog outside. Troop would bark and jump up and down in approval, and out they would go.

    Leave in the Shirley McClaine reference, if for no other reason than to keep the phrase “age-deficient.” I’m getting to the age that the phrase “age-deficient” makes me feel self-righteous. :-)

    • Kristi, is this Kristi –finding ninee Kristi??? are you back? my best friend and I have been talking about you because we decided that you are awesome! I sent her to your website. she is a clark.

      • Kristi says:

        No, Jean, it’s the other Kristi–K2–of ThankfulMe. Sorry to disappoint. Finding ninee Kristi is awesome, though, and I’m glad to be confused with her, even if it is just because we share a name! :-)

        • Dear Kristi: My friend and I salute you as well! We were only talking about Kristi 1 because my friend whom I mentioned and I both have kids with autism, and that is something K1 discusses!

          :) nice of you to answer! xox jean

    • clarkscottroger clarkscottroger says:


      (not that I ever get philosophical ’round here…lol) but conversations with dogs are (as perfect) as they are as lifeforms… (I choose to believe) that they pay attention and understand the emotional tenor of what I am saying, and other than when I might be at a drive-through ordering a Quarter Pounder and Fries, isn’t that what we all want when we talk to another?

  10. DonettaS says:

    Loved the photo of the Friday rides. :) I am happy to be here. Seems I was M.I.A. for awhile but found my way back. I’ll have to go read Christine’s post. So, your requirement for a Thursday Guest Post is just be on Thursday? :)

    • clarkscottroger clarkscottroger says:

      good to see you (here)
      yes, it is as simple as that…if you have an interest, I think in a couple of weeks, the cycle will be coming around again, of course, you will need to decide which of the three personality types you feel you are…

  11. Sarah says:

    So glad I read the comments and now understand the walk in the car. I love the way you talk to your dog. I hope you get some watermelon or cotton candy this week, clothes or sans.

    • clarkscottroger clarkscottroger says:


      I went back to check on my last Comment…luckily it wasn’t as weird looking as I feared…what with being a bit of a ‘run-on’ comment… One of the things I like about this here TToT here, is that jumping threads…interrupting comment/reply conversations is not only not frowned on, it is encouraged.

  12. Tracie says:

    It has been far too long since I’ve watched Blazing Saddles. That needs to be remedied this week.

  13. I just love Una. So I was a little confused, you said you took her for a walk but I see her in the car. She must be a princess :) She stole the show.
    I’m still trying to figure out the Secret book of rules which reminds me I never got a copy :)
    Hope you have a great week!

    • clarkscottroger clarkscottroger says:


      She is all that… lol but the thing is, since we have so little time, I take Una out for a drive (a very slow drive*) so that she can smell the smells of a fairly wide area, in a a relatively short time. As to the Book of Secret Rules, they are as all Rules should be, create able by any of us, the only requirement for (their use and citation) is that they be utterly convincing in their reasonableness!

      * 5 to 10 mph