‘…and a thousand telephones that will not ring’ the Wakefield Doctrine and the Myth of Reason | the Wakefield Doctrine ‘…and a thousand telephones that will not ring’ the Wakefield Doctrine and the Myth of Reason | the Wakefield Doctrine

‘…and a thousand telephones that will not ring’ the Wakefield Doctrine and the Myth of Reason

Welcome to the Wakefield Doctrine (the theory of clarks, scotts and rogers)

From Friend of the Doctrine Rich Rumple we have this Award.
To begin (and before the inevitable sarcasm kicks in) I will say that I am glad to have met Rich. I say this in the interest of self-interest. Being relatively new to the blog thing (at least in terms of writing skills) I have found that Rich provides me with a sense of encouragement and hope. His blog is always veering off into the metaphorical underbrush and that is what I find encouraging and his writing style is unpretentious and therefore allows me to hope that I can get that good at this writing gig. As an added plus, there isn’t an ounce of ‘hey! Look-at-Me!! to his writing. Simply good story telling and/or ‘so a priest, a rabbi and a horse walk into this bar’
In any event, Awards like this are sort of like going to a gym (as opposed to working out at home), you look around at peers, not-peers, never-be-that-good writers and you give it your best shot. I totally get the encouragement.
So here is what Rich has for Award Rules:
  • List 11 random facts about yourself.
  • Answer the questions the tagger has set for you, then create 11 new questions for the bloggers you pass the award to.
  • Choose 11 new bloggers (who have less than 200 followers) to pass the award to and link them in your post.
  • Go back to their page and tell them about the award.
  • No tag backs!!
First the 11 Random Facts about myself (those of you with any familiarity with me are totally all ‘yeah, right’ at this point.)
  1. I am one of the three people in the photo associated with the Wakefield Doctrine blog
  2. There actually are actual people to go along with the name.
  3. Were it not for a certain scottian female, the Wakefield Doctrine might have been subtitled: the theory of clarks, scotts and barrys
  4. Yeah, that would have been stupid
  5. I am a natural at the sport of bowling
  6. In my spare time I am attempting to write an actual book, a story
  7. My only goal (for the above mentioned book) is to complete it…
  8. I was a commercial fisherman at one time in my career
  9. I am encountering great difficulties trying to make this blogging thing a totally optional diversion (as opposed to not being able to not write)
  10. I nearly succeeded a couple of weeks ago
  11. At the age of 3 I made a deliberate and conscious decision to not be ticklish (though it took me at least 2 years) I was successful, I am not
(Lets check our little list…), next are the Questions!
(Our Mr. Rumple choose to reveal his inner most fears and hopes when he created the following List of 11 Questions):
  1. If Rosanne Barr married Tom Cruise, what would they name their puppy? Rich
  2. What television program displays the least amount of intelligence week after week?  A new reality series: Wide World of Warts with Jim McKay III and Howard Cossell IV
  3. If you had a house with all four sides facing South, and looked out the window, what color of bear would you see?   Pale white most of the year, decent tan doesn’t show until August…oh you meant bear!
  4. If you had your life to live over, what one thing would you do differently? Pay attention in all my English Comp classes.
  5. Did you ever want to be a fireman? No
  6. What did Janis Joplin, Jimi Hendrix and Jim Morrison have in common with Bill Clinton? They were all born in the 1940’s and they all had brooms to amuse themselves with.
  7. If the horse knew the way to carry the sleigh, why did he pull it? Because, given the anatomy of the horse, it is unable to pull off a proper Fireman’s Carry and that’s another reason I never wanted to be either a horse or a fireman.
  8. If you had a boat that could only go one direction, where would you end up at? The bottom of whatever body of water I was sitting in the boat on (or sitting on the boat in… either way).
  9. If Al Capone had been Hispanic, would Al Pacino still have been chosen for the movie Scarface? No they would have gotten either Mort Sahl or Arnold Stang
  10. What is your favorite 4 hour erection commercial?  Easy!! the Bob Dole one where he starts by saying, ‘down boy, down’  (I think there is a dog in the scene, but we know better than that.
  11. If you only had one wish, what would it be?  (*World Peace answer is void unless you’re a beauty contestant.) All candidates for high office would have to wrestle their opponents before assuming office. (Jello optional).
As required, following are my 11 Questions for the Recipients I will be naming at the end of this Post (if there is any end! My god, I have a business to run, it’s Monday morning and I am still at my computer!)
New 11 Questions:
  1. What was your best friend’s name in grade school (to be safe, lets say before 6th grade)
  2. Who was your best friend in High School
  3. What the hell happened to what’s-their-name?
  4. If you could write a blog that was guaranteed to be totally successful, but it would have nothing to do with your current blog, what would the subject be
  5. Easy one! A Simple Yes or No answer: Have I seem to have lost the proper balance of light-hearted, silly questions with this List?
  6. What is your favorite movie (must have watched at least 7 times, totally from beginning to end)
  7. If they, (whoever they are), would bring back any TV show (we’re assuming that you will pick your favorite, but this is not a requirement of the answer), what show would it be?
  8. How many of these ‘pass-it-along-drive-up-readership Awards’ have you received in the last 12 months?
  9. How many fingers am I holding up?
  10. What is you least favorite 4 hour erection commercial?
  11. How long did you need to: a) write your Post, b) decide to take up woodcarving and/or knitting as an alternative to blogging c) find Rich Rumple’s home phone number and set your alarm for 3:00 am every night this week?

Here is my List:

  1. Julie DeNeen,
  2. Denise,
  3. Jennifer,
  4. Molly,
  5. Roger (who doesn’t participate in the Facebook but writes a good, (at least rogerian) blog at Secessionist Rag,
  6. Steve Walters,
  7. Mel,
  8. Ronin,
  9. Cyndi (you shouldn’t have said anything lol),
  10. Melanie,
  11. Nell Rose

clarkscottroger About clarkscottroger
Well, what exactly do you want to know? Whether I am a clark or a scott or roger? If you have to ask, then you need to keep reading the Posts for two reasons: a)to get a clear enough understanding to be able to make the determination of which type I am and 2) to realize that by definition I am all three.* *which is true for you as well, all three...but mostly one


  1. Cyndi says:

    Damn! You tagged me. Well shit. It’ll take me weeks to complete this “term paper” lol. Well, the entertainment value was fun even if there’s a lot of muckery to endure to get at it, LOL.
    Happy Monday. :D

    • clarkscottroger clarkscottroger says:


      sorry… dude-ette, I will not create/invoke a Rider to the Rules of this here Award here:
      Nominees are empowered to redefine the Rules of the Award, provided they use made-up words (of their own made-upedness), i.e. ‘muckery’

      You are the first of the Nominees to benefit by this ‘mucking withe the Rules’ Rule!

  2. Awesome and congrats on the award Clark. Very well deserved!! :)

    • clarkscottroger clarkscottroger says:


      Thank you. I have been stopping by ‘mmholic’ but still working on my time management. (This last being a bit of a set back, lol)

  3. Why thank you again Clark. And you Rich. If you had not nominated Clark I wouldn’t be now facing a mountain of blog homework! LOL
    All the same it gives me a chance to read more of the folks I have until now been “scanning” and getting to know them a little better:)
    Having said that, think I’ll be a good clark and wait for someone else to go first…..

  4. Molly Molly M. says:

    Well… now I know what to write on today… :)

    And congratulations….

    • clarkscottroger clarkscottroger says:


      Kind of fun in a ‘my god are you serious with these questions’?
      and it is good for traffic (I still have a little of the watch the score left in me)

  5. Thank you for the nomination Clark! :) That was interesting…learning a few things about you. I never knew you used to be a fisherman, and that you were writing a book! Very cool.

    • clarkscottroger clarkscottroger says:


      funny… I accept the fisherman compliment comfortably, but the ‘writing a book’ makes me a little uncomfortable, probably because what I am trying to do is simply complete a written tale, from beginning (which I have) middle (which I am at) and end…which I don’t have a clue about what will happen… it’s the how well written it will end up being that gives me the willies. But then, you’re a clark, so you probably know what I mean.

      Oh yeah! working on an experiment that might allow a call into the Saturday Night Drive (provided you have Skype which should be free) have to test one thing about my own cell phone to see if it will work, will let you know… would be fun.

  6. Amy says:

    Congrats on the award! And great answers to Rich’s questions!

    • clarkscottroger clarkscottroger says:


      Thank you, Amy. Rich is fun when it comes to these kinds of things plus he writes a pretty straightforward Post. This really is important as I am still struggling with the dreaded ‘time management’ issue in terms of new content at the Doctrine and with those of you who I try to follow. Will tend to come to sites via the blogroll, just because I have found it to be more straightforward. Thanks again.

  7. Rich Rumple says:

    Clark – I knew there was a great reason for selecting you for this award. I’ll be damned if I can remember what it was, but it was a good reason! lol Oh yeah, it was because I knew you were easily up for the task, and would take it to areas yet not visited. In answering your questions, you have shown me my heritage. The long, and seldom sought answer is astonishing. For me to have questioned the answer is fate. However, I must say, I thought you’d get the answer to #3, as that was an actual question from an IQ Test I took in the early 70’s. A house, with all 4 sides facing South could only be located on the precise North Pole. Thus, when one looked out of the window and viewed a bear, it would obviously be a polar bear, or white in color! “A-ha”, you say! I had no idea you had previously been involved in television. Am curious as to the biggest catch of commercials you ever had? Surely, this can’t be a viable means of living, as most would toss out commercials, instead of trying to catch them. Alas, as it was only a phase of your life, you must have figured out they could not provide you a substantial income. You did come up with a “direction” for a boat I had not considered. My thoughts would have been “anywhere I want” as “forward” is the primary direction most boats travel. Still, your answers to all the questions have put you at the top of the hill of all I chose (so far, as you are the first that I’m aware of to have finished this quest so quickly)! Great job, my friend, in all aspects. You truly do deserve this award and badge. Wear it proudly and wear it high, as you would a new thong in Walmart!

    • clarkscottroger clarkscottroger says:


      For he would be our King….
      Serially, it was fun (Al Pacino to Robert Loggia in ‘Scarface’ when Tony Montana delivered the money and the yayho…) but the real reason for the quick response is my incredibly poor time management skills. Oh yeah! speaking of management skills, you totally need to call in on one of our Saturday Night Drives…the are building and developing into all that I had hoped they would be, conversations by people of a decidedly different take on reality. Fun.

  8. Jennifer says:

    “Were it not for a certain scottian female, the Wakefield Doctrine might have been subtitled: the theory of clarks, scotts and barrys”


    • clarkscottroger clarkscottroger says:


      …long story, lol (It will be a sub-plot in the future and upcoming novel, ‘The Number You Have Reached has been disconnected on no longer in Service)