Welcome to the Wakefield Doctrine (the theory of clarks, scotts and rogers)
This is the Wakefield Doctrine’s contribution to the Six Sentence Story bloghop.
Hosted by Denise, there is one rule: Six (no more, no less) Sentenceses to the story
Previously, ‘The tall, thin man laughed...‘
Prompt word:
“Good, though I would have accepted: the original industrial section of a medium-sized city currently in the early phase of redevelopment;” the Proprietor waved an arm in an arc that, were this a fanciful Disney movie, would illuminate the granite-stone mill buildings and multi-story factories, most still empty shells, some, like the one housing the Café were showing signs of life, commercial and otherwise.
“We’re hosting an event on the third of next month and it behooves all employees be able, whenever called upon, to provide clear directions to those wishing to attend,” the Proprietor walked down the center of the midnight street until he stood opposite the Bistro’s entrance.
“From the commercial section of the city, turn right onto a boulevard where the plate-glass store windows decrease in proportion to the lessening traffic (pedestrian and auto); bear right at a fork in the road where surnames replace brand names; one more right turn on what, at first glance seems an alley, though still a commercial area, the trend is clearly from retail products to personal services, i.e. tattoos, massages, private investigation, food, beverage and entertainment not available from your computer or, even from the Cloud,” Rosetta pointed towards the far end of the street where the anemic light of the thriving city gave the illusion of life to the wet cobblestones.
“And now, for the last question of the final phase of your evaluation as a probationary employee, describe the interior of the Six Sentence Café & Bistro …in fifty words or less,” the Proprietor looked at the young woman.
“The bar forms the right wall, interrupted once by the kitchen access. Beyond the end where Mimi sits, a hallway and Manager’s office. The other walls? Exterior with alcoves, interior with a small stage in the middle and, the space between: tables for guests and the occasional audience.”
“…keep the change,” Rosetta Storme laughed and the tall, thin man let a full, unrestrained smile off-leash.