Welcome to the Wakefield Doctrine (the theory of clarks, scotts and rogers)
This is the Doctrine’s contribution to the Unicorn Challenge.
A word-count constrained imagination contest* hosted by jenne and ceayr, the prompt is an image and the only limit is ‘tell your story in under 250 words’.
“A cat.”
Say What Now?
Being the First Week, there was no shortage of new things. Think: in the realm of the objective, stones to stub naked toes on, in the shadowy kingdom of the subjective, ‘tone of voice’.
“You said I should name all the animals and fowls and everything in the world.”
The First Man, staring at the feline, did something with his lips, all the while glancing at the Creator from the corner of his eyes. Bible scholars, in the interest of conciseness captioned Genesis 2:19 ‘…naming all the animals’; eschewing the more comprehensive ‘…and invents pouting’.
“Fine. I Did.”
A smile, crawling back on Adam’s face, froze as the One spoke,
But, What’s With The ‘tude?
The naked man’s eyebrows decided to wrestle and the first scowl was born.
“That’s on You. It’s not my fault it thinks it’s the height of Creation.”
Light Flared Non-Directionally.
“It’s not. Is it? You said…”
The First Laugh of the Privileged rolled across the Garden, all creatures instinctively froze or sought shelter.
No. You’re Still The Pinnacle of Creation.
Adam, relaxing only slightly, continued,
“OK, about that thing I asked? You know a companion, someone that would keep me from getting bored?
I Knew You Wouldn’t Give Up On That.
A new emotion, barely noticeable, the amusement at the interaction of Man and Banana peel
Gimme Some Of That Clay.
Adam? Meet Lilith. Lilith… Adam. Give us a smile, Lil.
Your fertile imagination never ceases to amaze and amuse.
You made me laugh. Ya know, I can believe HE said “Ta Dah!”
Perfect… that Garden again.