Six Sentence Story -the Wakefield Doctrine- [ a Café Six] | the Wakefield Doctrine Six Sentence Story -the Wakefield Doctrine- [ a Café Six] | the Wakefield Doctrine

Six Sentence Story -the Wakefield Doctrine- [ a Café Six]

Welcome to the Wakefield Doctrine (the theory of clarks, scotts and rogers)

This is the Doctrine’s weakly contribution to the Six Sentence Story bloghop.

Hosted by Denise, subject to the Rule of Six. hubba hubba

Previously in our Six Sentence Café & Bistro serial story

Prompt Word:


Lou Caesare sat opposite the tall, thin man,

“Not planning on staying, loved the act, just wanted to see, first hand, the kind of operation you ran, you know, make sure it wasn’t just book-signings, poetry jams and Sunday Brunch for the Uber-on-the-Mild Side crowd…. that and to say thanks for giving Rosetta a job.”

Like all the tables in the Bistro, theirs was round, lacquered wood, intended to resist stains from all classes of liquid including but not limited to alcohol, drink condensation, tears (both joy and sadness) and, of course the inevitable tubular burn of unattended cigarettes; his face effectively obscured by the stage lights to his back, the Proprietor tipped his glass and lit his cigarette,

“Hey, mi casa…

I hear you, but it’s always about the man… or woman; I didn’t get where I am without developing a nose for character in those I have business with, you know what I’m saying?”

“I do indeed,” on the fringe of audibility came a whooshing sound from the street end of the bar and a brief eclipse of a street light as someone stepped from the vestibule into the Café proper.

“And, not for nothin’ I got a guy, a PI by the name of Ian Devereaux, don’t know if you know him,” Lou’s eyes lost their distant focus and came to rest on the Proprietor opposite him, every jungle predator approaching a watering hole,

“Nope, can’t I say I do, mind my asking why you’re concerned…

Well, he was doing some surveillance work for me and now I can’t seem to get in touch with him…

Quis custodiet ipsos custodes?”

“Yeah, somethin’ like that, mainly I wanted you to know I’m in your debt…”

The tall, thin man stood, smiling, “And you can’t remember the last time that I invited you to my home for a cup of coffee?”

Lou’s unrestrained guffaws broke the tension even as the tall, thin man’s careful but equally unrestrained laughter joined in creating a contrapuntal storm of merriment that rolled over the empty tables, breaking against the feet of the shadowed figure moving along the bar.




clarkscottroger About clarkscottroger
Well, what exactly do you want to know? Whether I am a clark or a scott or roger? If you have to ask, then you need to keep reading the Posts for two reasons: a)to get a clear enough understanding to be able to make the determination of which type I am and 2) to realize that by definition I am all three.* *which is true for you as well, all three...but mostly one


  1. Well, well, well. Lou and the tall, thin man. You’d almost think they might be friends, lol. I’m thinkin’ Lou is worried about Ian and the only person he’d trust to ask if he’d seen him, is the tall, thin man.
    “Shadowed figure moving along the bar.” Coincidence Lou just happens to be at the SSC&B when this happens?? Très picaresque.

    • clarkscottroger clarkscottroger says:

      what?!?! Who shouted out from the darken theatre audience, “Frank! It’s Frank. Why can’t you see it!!?”*

      * ;]

      New Readers? Frank’s one of the pillars of this here bloghop here and we’re happy to feel confident that our getting all fun-meta with him and the (ongoing) idea of a walk-on** at the Café

      ** we could be wrong, but we are fairly sure he did do one, way back in the day, when the Six Sentence Café & Bistro first opened in Sixville… might have been during Chris‘s book-signing but then again, it has been said that ‘we could be mis-remembering’. which we’re good with seeing how in this meta world of online fiction Nick would be the first to shout, ‘You can’t step in the same river twice, can’t you see that??’

  2. It sounds like Lou is actually worried about someone.

  3. Frank Hubeny says:

    I wonder who the shadowed figure is. I also wonder how Rosetta’s doing. Nice interchange between Lou and the tall, thin man.

    • clarkscottroger clarkscottroger says:


      yeah, sure*

      *joke reference to Reply to Denise’s comment below**
      **damn! we’re good with comment thread-jumping (i.e. to insert oneself into another’s comment exchange) but this might be another step down infinite regression lane.

  4. Misky says:

    Firstly – this is one my favourite songs, like ever and maybe forever … and secondly your style of writing is like that squirrel that I’m watching right now running along the tippy-tops of each of each fence slat, and then it stops, turns and runs back the other direction with a flash of its tale … sorry … tail. It makes me a wee bit envious of its agility. Nice Six.

  5. Chris Hall says:

    ‘…the shadowed figure moving along the bar.’
    and now ‘dun dun duuun…’
    Plus – one of the best songs… on it comes… now!

  6. Violet Lentz says:

    Are they arranging location surveillance for his PI or is this a prelude to conjugation over coffee? Let the reader be the judge.

    • clarkscottroger clarkscottroger says:

      damned if I know!! ;p originally simply one major character of a storyline interacting with a MC of another serial story, ya know?
      Lou Caesare is the owner of the Bottom of the Sea Strip Club and Lounge which is where Ian Devereaux goes for lunch during his adventures
      The tall, thin man is on of the Proprietors of the Six Sentence Cafe & Bistro which is, beside a primary locale for my serial story a virtual hangout in the blogosphere…

      hey! Violet!! here’s a thought…(ruh roe) you wanna do a walk-on? (no, serially, you could be the shadow!! damn!
      wait wait!! let me generate some peer pressure….
      (the other Proprietors of the SSC&B are Denise, Mimi, Nick and Chris… ask them if this is as much fun as I think it is)

  7. The shadowed figure seems to have us all intrigued

    • clarkscottroger clarkscottroger says:

      I really enjoy (writing the character) Lou Caesare so it was fun no matter the outcome… but it doesn’t hurt to have some… ‘what!?! I better tune in next week! cliffhanger-ette

  8. Liz H-H says:

    Something wicked this way comes?…

    • clarkscottroger clarkscottroger says:

      very possibly*

      *would you like the role**
      ** as a ‘walk-on’*** of this shadowy figure
      *** a walk-on has been seen on our Six Sentence Story serials… basically there is a set up (here, shadowy figure) and another author ‘continues’ the scene (in this case: at the Six Sentence Cafe & Bistro as Lou and the tall, thin man have a conversation
      the only requirement (also the fun in this type of exercise) is it be a plausible continuation.. which means it starts there but can go anywhere

      if this sounds like fun, let us know! (comment or email either one)