Six Sentence Story -the Wakefield Doctrine- [an Ian Devereaux Six] “…as we catch up with Mr. Devereaux” | the Wakefield Doctrine Six Sentence Story -the Wakefield Doctrine- [an Ian Devereaux Six] “…as we catch up with Mr. Devereaux” | the Wakefield Doctrine

Six Sentence Story -the Wakefield Doctrine- [an Ian Devereaux Six] “…as we catch up with Mr. Devereaux”

Welcome to the Wakefield Doctrine (the theory of clarks, scotts and rogers)

This is the Wakefield Doctrine’s contribution to the Six Sentence Story bloghop.

Hosted by Denise, defined by a single number: 6 (the exact number of sentences in qualified stories)

Hey! This Six is a continuation of last week’s Serial Six Sentence Story. As the old TV shows used to say, “Previously on….” Read Me.

Prompt Word:


That was Miles Davis’ ‘Kinda Blue’ and you’re listening to WBRU, 666 on your radio dial; from high on College Hill, the only station bringing you a smooth blend of jazz from the Roaring 40’s to the present anno domino; next up is a cut from a brand new group called the Mahavishnu Orchestra.

I sat up…well, more like trying to get my head in a position to establish where the hell I was, unfortunately this strategy was stymied by my head hitting something smooth, curved and unmovable; throwing caution to the wind, I opened my eyes and saw the crescent moon of the lower half of a car steering wheel.

First victory in hand, I knew I wasn’t blind and I could hear and move… sorta, but something wasn’t right… the steering wheel was of a hard and cool-to-the-touch material and, according to the pressure on my lower back when I pushed out with my feet, I was lying flat on my back; sitting upright, veering to avoid the steering wheel which was all of a circle and a hub, I found myself in the middle of a single front seat, I felt the same kind of stomach twinge that I had when I heard….

My voice?”

To my credit, I didn’t scream and thought to look in the rearview mirror, which was a small, simple and empty oval suspended from the windshield; naturally that made me look at the mostly metal and glass dashboard as the thought began to form…

Antique vintage Chevrolet?”

Knowing the car was empty and the sight of what looked like a movie set for all the people dressed funny, mostly short dresses on the girls and long hair on the guys, I figured the better part of valor would be facilitated by closing my eyes and focus on the disembodied voice.

Unless I’m mistaken, which I rarely am in affairs involving chrono-intercessions such as the one I am currently privileged to conduct, you’re searching for the ideal interrogatory adverb, might I recommend going with ‘When’.






clarkscottroger About clarkscottroger
Well, what exactly do you want to know? Whether I am a clark or a scott or roger? If you have to ask, then you need to keep reading the Posts for two reasons: a)to get a clear enough understanding to be able to make the determination of which type I am and 2) to realize that by definition I am all three.* *which is true for you as well, all three...but mostly one


  1. Frank Hubeny says:

    Nice description of that antique age: “mostly short dresses on the girls and long hair on the guys”

  2. “When am I?” is likely to be one of the most disorienting questions a human would have to ask.

  3. Violet Lentz says:

    When one has truly been out on a blinder (you read that right) that first realization that you in fact lived to tell- is everything. Excellent six, Clark.

  4. Misky says:

    That all seems comfortingly contemporary to me, although looking up through the steering wheel isn’t something I recollect. Fun Six.

    • clarkscottroger clarkscottroger says:

      that’s why my parents’ friends would say, ‘the old cars were best, they were strong, they survived crashed that would total the modern cars’ all of which was true. but besides there being no airbags back then (the car in the image is a 1964 Chevy) the dashes were kinda metal and unforgiving plastic… crumple zones? we don’ need no steekin’ crumple zones) lol

      • Misky says:

        My first boss claimed that he survived driving into (and depending on his telling of it) and/or under a trailer of hay being pulled across a road by a Massey Ferguson because seatbelts weren’t invented yet.

  5. Chris Hall says:

    When and where? Maybe…
    no vid, sadly (not working)

    • clarkscottroger clarkscottroger says:

      will be interesting if I can keep the increasingly convoluted storyline coherent

      (If you don’t mind being a sounding board… so Devereaux has been transported back in time to late sixties, early seventies… but just for a moment, to make a point the people making the point, I think are agents of the Order of Lilith… if you recall Ian went to Europe (with Leanne) in search of who killed her husband. So, our intrepid detective is no stranger to the mystic side of the street. Fine. Why? (thanks, I could hear you say, “But clark, why are they interested in Ian now… they seemed to have left him alone after his last adventure?”) Well to make the most of our wordage… who else do we know who has returned from Europe recently…. wait for it… Rosetta Storme (albeit, only because she’d been kicked out of the 26th exclusive boarding school… ‘and stay out!’) So there’s the narrative connection!
      thanks, Chris, it’s always helpful to talk out a problem with a storyline or whatever


  1. […] a subject clarks are way, way too intimately knowledgeable of. You want a link? First Encounter. Second Encounter. In any event, we may have to check in with you (the Reader) on the topic. But for now… mums […]