Did someone say, “God, if only I could get some articles of clothing that brand me as a Follower of the Wakefield Doctrine (aka the theory of clarks, scotts and rogers) blog, then my life will mean something!!?
Yes, someone did say this.

This could be on top of your damn head, if you wanted.
…and, did I, in fact, hear someone say, ‘show us more photos of this fine apparel’?

yes, this is the first in the Wakefield Doctrine fashion line

Fashion is the reason for this Wakefield Doctrine golf cap.

look on this hat, does it lack a single thing?
delay, insufficient information, attend:
Claire…newest Friend of the Doctrine and (clearly) igniting the Fall Fashion season, on the ….Continent!

Friend of the Doctrine Cyndi Calhoun stylin in a DocTee …step on over to www.pictimilitude.com an say hidy

DownSpring #1 standing before her unintentional dominion …like she would have picked here on purpose!
Did someone say, yeah but what about the one of the Big Three religions and such… wouldn’t you want to know that you are reaching out to the noveau heathen?
Our rovingExplorini Liz