So, which am I? | the Wakefield Doctrine So, which am I? | the Wakefield Doctrine

So, which am I?

Still not sure?

If this site is to be anything it will be a mirror and we all know what people do with mirrors.

…they look.
They look to see if the mirror shows what they think it should show…
They look to see if what we think we are shows…

But before we get too metaphysical; even though a clark will avoid the image in the mirror and a scott will be startled and bark at it and a roger will stop and stay, let us agree to try and stay on topic.

For starters, we will find images of clarks, scotts and rogers from the real world. In the first case a video clip.

Following is an example of both a clark and a scott, acting characteristically. Can you tell which is which? (Hint: clark will show himself by his words, scott by his actions.)




 This one little 2 minute video clip speaks volumes. If (after watching this clip), you still don’t know what we mean by: scottian andclarklike personalities, then this blog might be a bit beyond your reach. (Hey, there are tons of  ‘tell me what kind of animal I would be!!‘ websites out there. Have fun).

In the above clip, the scottian personality may seem easy (and obvious) to understand, while it is almost irresistably tempting to over-simplify; the useful information of this example  is not about Nicky attacking the guy with the pen. Rather consider the clark in this clip and the relationship between the two characters.

(Deniro’s character) Ace says it all in the (voiceover) line, ‘While I was still trying to figure out why…Nicky hit him…’

The easy part: scotts react with action, usually in the form of overwhelming force.Clarks think, the character says it, he was still thinking and the threat had been eliminated. It is not about the clark being unable to act, it is about the perceptual bias.

Clarks think, scotts act (rogers feel).

The hard part: the relationship of the two characters here, there is an inter-dependency, symbiotic to use a rogerian phrase. One needs the other, one complements the other.



Now let us consider rogers: following is a clip from the movie ‘Wolf” that shows us an interaction between a scott and a roger:

So click on the  link below (Wolf- “I’m Gonna Get You, Stewart“) that will take you to a scene from the movie ‘Wolf’.   (Quick backstory: Will (Jack Nicholson) is an established editor in a publishing house that is about to get sold and Stewart (James Spader) is a young, ambitious editor who convinces the owner of the company that the way of the future is to get rid of the old and let the young be in charge. (This is a classic scenario for conflict between roger and a scott).

(“All right, class, settle down. Scott get back in your seat, leave the food alone.”)  Besides showing the way a roger might (attempt) to defend himself from a scott, this video clip is a very good illustration of the eyes (of the scott).

When looking to identify a scott, the person’s eyes will do. The eyes (of a scott) are unmistakable. The scott (being a predator) is always ‘on the look out’ for threats/food.
The expression ‘steely gaze’ is appropriate to a scott. There is an alertness, an attentiveness, a focus that is always on guard. Look (in the scene) at the difference in the eyes between the scott and the roger.

In the above movie scene, Will knows what is important and his eyes never leave Stewart.
Stewart on the other hand  is ‘bobbing and weaving’, he knows he is outmatched. He knows he is the prey in a predator/prey situation. And even though the ultimate outcome is never in doubt, rogers are not passive. (At least not entirely). Lets us consider the question: when we realise that we are being threaten, how do we respond?
Here the roger (Stewart) knows he is in trouble, so he goes to his strengths.
Though, as a roger, Stewart is a food group for the scottian Will, he puts up a fight the only way that makes sense, he trys to socialize.
Listen to what he says: ‘I love you’
(Jesus Christ, he did say that.) Because that is the world that the roger lives in, a world grounded in, frame in established in:emotion.
At the same time watch Stewart’s  eyes, he knows he is in trouble and is desparate to find a way out.  You can see the calculation that is going on in his head as the situation leaves his control.

There is no fight in fight fo flight for Stewart. He will run if he can, but the best he can do is try to appeal to Will’s social side.
Good luck with that

