‘Thanksgiving Day 2014’ the Wakefield Doctrine (our traditional Thanksgiving Day re-Post* it’s almost become…dare I say it? a tradition!) | the Wakefield Doctrine ‘Thanksgiving Day 2014’ the Wakefield Doctrine (our traditional Thanksgiving Day re-Post* it’s almost become…dare I say it? a tradition!) | the Wakefield Doctrine

‘Thanksgiving Day 2014’ the Wakefield Doctrine (our traditional Thanksgiving Day re-Post* it’s almost become…dare I say it? a tradition!)

Welcome to the Wakefield Doctrine ( the theory of clarks, scotts and rogers) on this eve of Saint rogers’s Day!

Thanksgiving Day1 is the holiday that, if we did not already know that there exists a personality type referred to as a roger,  someone else would have pointed it out to us.  Perhaps the task would have fallen to an Art Professor in a land grant college somewhere  in the Midwest. We can imagine the epiphany …in the middle of the night (during his sabbatical devoted to the study of the works of Norman Rockwell)
My god!  Norman’s work is not just a robust and healthy celebration of paedophilia! He has been  trying to tell us to transform our culture!  …for all good Americans to come forth and show their appreciation  of patriotism, consumerism and child-abuse!!”

We have, from time to time, been accused of indiscriminate use of hyperbole in these pages, however, just consider the astounding level of pervasiveness of the  ‘Holiday of Thanksgiving’.  It is not enough to close the Post Office system and all other government agencies2 , no it is not, this Holiday actually attempts to compel normal, rational, adult people to sit in front of the television and watch a Parade involving giant balloon representations of out-of-print newspaper cartoon characters! Who the hell watches the Macy’s Day Parade on purpose?!?  Throughout the entire morning of Thanksgiving, you simply cannot escape the pageantry and spectacle,  broadcast live and has as the ’emcees’,  News Anchors from the major networks morning news shows!  ( ” Thats right, Matt! That’s  Kenny Chesney and Taylor Swift on the Snoop Dog float… it says here that her eye makeup took 12 hours and 6 pounds of aluminum foil chips to create!!” ). Like a  Hieronymus Bosch painting done in ‘live-action’, the whole country is exposed to hours and hours of Macy’s Thanksgiving Day Parade… more than 3 hours of parade music and floats  (” … hey, Anne isn’t the next float from your hometown”?   “That’s right Al! it’s my old Alma mater,  the East Clydesdale High School Marching Band playing a medley, ‘Straight outta Compton’, ‘Fuck tha Police’ and ‘Gangsta Gangsta’ )

Why do we say Thanksgiving is the most rogerian of all holidays?  Simply because Thanksgiving is about the how, not the why.  As a holiday and a cultural event, this particular holiday tells it’s participants exactly what to do; what to eat and how to cook it!  Taught from childhood, every member of our culture knows precisely how (and) where they are expected to spend the Holiday! Thanksgiving is about family! and if there is anything that rogers fake better than anyone, it is the joyful appreciation and celebration of the family.

But don’t just take my word for it! Following is an excerpt from a Post of the Wakefield Doctrine that was written over a year ago! (and nothing says credibility better than…age)

We all know that “the holidays” are experienced differently by each of the three (clarks, scotts and rogers) and therefore the demands of the celebrations are a very effective illustration of the nature of each. But if there was no Thanksgiving, a roger would have invented it! (Actually, they probably did). Think about it! A holiday celebration that is:

  • based on a factual historical event (sort of)
  • the protagonists (of the story) are religious refugees, persecuted and driven away together on boats
  • food, specific food and a not-to-be-deviated-from Menu
  • ritual menu and a full schedule of events
  • shopping in herds, as the climax of the celebration (Black Friday)
  • a moral taught to the young: we came here, those strangers who helped us were different, (…we had a feast and wiped out their culture)

I will be so bold as to suggest that there is no more rogerian a holiday than Thanksgiving!  And since we are on the subject of rogers and holidays, (sort of),  is there any human activity that is more one sided, over-hyped, ‘expectations-sure-to-fall short’, ( not counting sex on the eve of a relationship breaking up),  than Parades? I don’t care if you are a trombone player in the middle of the herd or someone sitting in their living room watching it on TV, nothing says roger better than Parades!




1)  the Day that the indigenous people of the North American continent made a gift of their lands and cultures and cuisine to their new European friends.

2)  you do know about the Post Office and rogers, don’t you?

~~~~~ *** ~~~~~

* first printed for Thanksgiving in 2011 this Post has been one of the more popular Posts when re-printed.  New Readers?  the joke in the title has to do with two things:  a) we kid rogers a lot, on their worldviews, ‘i.e. the quantifiable world, the presence of abstract Truths, the celebration of tradition ( exemplified in the horribly, yet indefinably seductive notion underlying the expression heard coming from many a roger while something really cool is happening, “this is wonderful. we’re making a memory here!“)  …be it our child’s high school graduation,  their First Day at School, the pinning of the Prom corsage, the wedding night…. anything is a potential victim to the spontaneity-eating, life-force-sucking, Dewey-Decimal-imposing of a ‘historical perspective (or pre-perspective)’ to an event in the here and now….  2) and, of course we’re so aware of the inherent irony of creating and celebrating a Thanksgiving tradition. In our defense, the Doctrine does tell us that we are not just a clark or a scott or a roger. We are ‘a clark’ or ‘a scott‘ or ‘a roger‘ by virtue of the fact that these are the worldview that we grew up, developed, learned to deal life in…. and, in fact is our personal reality (aka predominant worldview), however, since everyone has the potential to become a clark or a scott or a roger, we always retain the potential to experience the world as do ‘the other two’. This fact is why the Wakefield Doctrine is as much fun as it is, why it’s the best approach to self-improving ourselfs and why, sometimes, as a New Reader you might think, ‘I guess I must be a roger because…. but then I’m sure that I must be a scott, except sometimes….’  sorry, only one worldview to a life…however, if you have very robust secondary and tertiary aspects…well! good on you!.


clarkscottroger About clarkscottroger
Well, what exactly do you want to know? Whether I am a clark or a scott or roger? If you have to ask, then you need to keep reading the Posts for two reasons: a)to get a clear enough understanding to be able to make the determination of which type I am and 2) to realize that by definition I am all three.* *which is true for you as well, all three...but mostly one


  1. phyllis says:

    I am 100% a Roger on Thanksgiving. To use one of my friend Paula’s phrases, I love to “bask in the fellowship of my fellow” Rogers. Others are welcome to come along.

    • clarkscottroger clarkscottroger says:

      yes, (and as Christine points out) FRIST (comment)…. the Herd is a thing that is central to your world and can be experienced by the others (clarks and scotts) but, of course, in a manner that while similar (to what it is for you) but different.

  2. Christine says:

    Phyllis got Frist!
    Thank you for the explanation about how thanksgiving is a rogererian holiday. Makes sense.
    Happy Thanksgiving!

    • clarkscottroger clarkscottroger says:


      yes… (“aren’t; you finished with breakfast yet?!?! me? a new Post about rogers…well, sure… if you want to read it, I guess. no, I’m pretty sure the internet is on at 7:03 am”) lol

      I trust you and the family will do the same, I mean, seriously… you’re in the Midwest! (if Santa Claus is first detected coming from the North Pole, then…. the First Pilgrim rogers are surely seen leading the Parade down Main Street… Ohindinois USA ) (yeah, I do seem to recall something about Massachusetts and all… but, can you picture a Parade in any more natural setting than small Midwestern town… ok, the really big one is in New York City…. but still!) lol

  3. lrconsiderer says:

    I would take Dewey Decimal over the Library of Congress system EVERY SINGLE TIME!

  4. dyannedillon says:

    The specific, not to be deviated from, menu is a must or you might as well just forget it.

    • clarkscottroger clarkscottroger says:

      yeah… I tried to suggest pancakes one year (when I was a kid) the response impressed me.

      • Kristi says:

        Well, pancakes would be a lot easier. :-)

        I have hosted Thanksgiving at our house for years. I have found that each family unit has their own, must-have, specific items. For example, I grew up eating regular black olives. My daughter-in-law’s family always served the spicier olives. When my daughter-in-law comes here for Thanksgiving, I try to make sure I’ve got both kinds of olives.

        I try to accommodate everyone’s view of what the “not to be deviated from” menu items are, but I must admit, one year my sanity was hanging by a single green jello salad! lol

        • clarkscottroger clarkscottroger says:


          lol and that is what the Wakefield Doctrine is all about! it is not a literal and exact conforming to a proposed view of the world*, rather it is the fun (and useful) appreciation of things that all too often become a part of the routine that all too often are lives become… (of course, I haven’t really addressed the matter of the Thanksgiving Night menu… (for) which most of us tend to share a very high level of solidarity of like….

          * although, I will put the Doctrine up against any ‘system of insight’ in terms of the unusually high correspondence between predicted experience and actual experience

  5. zoebyrd says:

    My internet is back on today…. almost three days out… whew! So I missed this “traditional post” but happy to be here now… hope you and Phyllis (queen of all that is Roger on Thanksgiving) had a wonderful holiday. Chat this evening?