the Tuesday that would be Monday…. the Wakefield Doctrine (‘catchin up is all you need to do’) | the Wakefield Doctrine the Tuesday that would be Monday…. the Wakefield Doctrine (‘catchin up is all you need to do’) | the Wakefield Doctrine

the Tuesday that would be Monday…. the Wakefield Doctrine (‘catchin up is all you need to do’)

Welcome to the Wakefield Doctrine (the theory of clarks, scotts and rogers)

you know how our (North American culture) has the cultural equivalent of an adolescent girl crush on anything seemingly coming from merry ole England?  yeah, that’s so, so, so terribly rogerian!  Well, I was getting ready to leave the house (un-posted… yeah, scott elevate your thoughts, dude), when I noticed a Reader from the United Kingdom (no, scott that is England…for your purposes at any rate) reading an old Post from 2011. So, as I have been doing of late, I followed the breadcrumbs and read the old Post…. and laughed.

Hey, Nell this is one of those, ‘you say I wrote that??’ moment... (especially liked the line about scotts being human exclamation points… )

(from March 2011)


‘they all ran after the Farmer’s wife…did you ever see such a sight in your Life?’

Welcome to the Wakefield Doctrine ( the theory of clarks, scotts and rogers )

Jack( a roger, ya know) and Jill (scottian female) went up the hill
To fetch a pail of water.
Jack (do anything she tells him) fell down and broke his crown,
And Jill (laughing, you know she was laughing) came tumbling after.
Up Jack got, and home did trot,
As fast as he could caper,
To old Dame Dob (a clark, of course), who patched his nob
With vinegar and brown paper( and so begins the rogerian love affair with hats).

Those mice…those damn pigs, what kind of morality is being perverted when describing injuries suffered by Jack ( don’t even get me started on Jill).. of the three, we all know that clarks are the creative ones. Fine. No one has a problem with that1, well at least not a major problem.

So what is it about clarks, creativity, seeing the the world differently and getting through life as an outsider, mostly unhappy, occasionally ecstatic more often hoping to get by? Is there any question that clarks represent the ‘outsider’, the odd man out, the strange old lady with all those cats?

Jack and Jill? You want to hear more about Jack and Jill? Of course you do! You always want to hear more about the scott and the roger! Oh, Oh,  the roger  look at him alone appearing so friendly and easy to talk to…the scott, so much energy!! so fun to be with, the life of the party! They are the human exclamation points….scotts, at least the male scotts. Got a problem? “Lets go ask scott! he’ll know what to do, his is always so sure of himself, that must mean he is right. What kind of leader would he be if he didn’t say everything with such conviction!  NO…be careful theres a scottian female over there!  You better make sure your boyfriend/husband/gee-I-wish-he-would-talk-to me doesn’t get too near to her! scottian female… ( no! bwana no good here, bad juju)2


1) you know you’re jealous (both of you are totally jealous, you!  you… roger! you pretend you don’t particularly notice the level of genius being thrown around like empty Frito bags….scott, you at least acknowledge the value by clumsily trying to pass the stuff we clarks create, pass it off as your own, like a five-year-old putting on daddy’s shoes and ties or maybe mommie’s earrings…you are convinced in that subjectively dense consciousness that passes for reflection that everyone believe you are the author of it…)

2) Hey let the movie trailer tell us all we need to understand about the nature and capacity for destruction that is behind the irresistible facade of the scottian female as she tries to pass herself off as a normal, human female!


clarkscottroger About clarkscottroger
Well, what exactly do you want to know? Whether I am a clark or a scott or roger? If you have to ask, then you need to keep reading the Posts for two reasons: a)to get a clear enough understanding to be able to make the determination of which type I am and 2) to realize that by definition I am all three.* *which is true for you as well, all three...but mostly one


  1. Considerer says:

    Oh the delicious irony – video not available in Merry Ole England…

    • clarkscottroger clarkscottroger says:


      what the hell! it was Devo ‘Whip it’ damn… it was a good vid

  2. Cyndi says:

    Yeah, well, the “live traffic feed” just said a visitor came from “Nebo, North Carolina.” Um, where the hell is “Nebo?”
    HAHA…I think it might need a slight geographical tweak.
    As for the clarks being creative, here’s a teeny story:
    This weekend, we were over at my mother-in-law’s (as we often do on the weekends) and my scottian brother-in-law was in town, too. He owns a Harley and has taken it apart and fixed it up according to how he wanted it. However, a part broke on it because my brother-in-law didn’t do something right. So, he turns to my husband (who is a car-repair-engineering-clark-genius, I swear) and asks him what he’d do.
    My hubby proceeds to tell him how he should fix it (because he knows what the hell he’s doing) and my brother-in-law incredulously states that that will NEVER work and NO WAY he’s trying whatever fix my husband said to do.
    So, we’re heading back home in the car and hubby is telling me this story. We both burst out laughing because we know, eventually, brother-in-law will follow this advice, but alas, it has to be on his own terms. So the next time we see him, we expect to see my hubby’s solution to fix the broken part. It might be modified a bit because my scottian brother-in-law will need to claim this fix as his own, but…hubby and I both laughed that we knew how this would play out. ^_^

    • clarkscottroger clarkscottroger says:


      yeah that feed thing is funny, it seems to zero in somewhere along the server pathway, I have yet to see it say ‘clark’s house’ lol

      …(if you have not read it yet) go read the ‘Eureka Moment’ story in the About Page* your story would provide the ‘alternative realities’ to the moment… maybe even form an item in a (future) test for personality types.

      *Yeah I know…About Page?!? who the hell besides rogers read the About Page?**

      ** actually we clarks will (initially scan) the About Page… but will tend to jump around

  3. Maggie Amada says:

    I first heard of Jack and Jill when I was ten since I wasn’t raised in the English language. It didn’t make much sense to me. I think you have to be under six when you first hear the story for it to make much sense.

    • clarkscottroger clarkscottroger says:


      …or to have it traumatize you, lol Those old fairy tales, stories-with-morals are downright creepy at times, but then again, most people* don’t bother with them after they have grown up. I have used fairy tales a fair amount in POsts, they seem to provide pretty good illustrations of the three personality types.

      * well, scotts and rogers at any rate!

  4. Katia says:

    I think you’ve found the perfect way to describe the fascination/infatuation with the British, which the Canadians, by the way, totally share with the Americans, perhaps even kicking it up a notch. As always very amusing to follow the connections you make between well known ideas, characters and concepts and the doctrine characters.

    • clarkscottroger clarkscottroger says:


      thanks, I have never gotten the whole ‘it’s British, so it must be more sophisticated’ thing, clearly the people who subscribe to this have never watched the Benny Hill show. The ‘connections’ are really the amazing thing (and, in a sense, the easiest thing about writing Posts) once you permit the worldview to be your lens, the connections are more unavoidable than they are elusive.

  5. That reader from Fort Worth reading your posts was not me. Nope. Not me at all.

    • clarkscottroger clarkscottroger says:


      lol we totally know it was you! (see Cyndi’s remark below, however the feed thingie works, it’s decision on location is a little screwy…server nodes seems to be the key)

  6. Hmm. Cute take on Jack and Jill, Clark!! Wonder if I’m Rogerian after all, because I’ve not really had the girl crush thing so badly. More of a scott or clark, I gather! As you say, we’re mixes of all three, just which aspect is stronger!

    • clarkscottroger clarkscottroger says:


      precisely (sort of)… (like Considerer… I like your Comments because you raise questions that produce semi-illumintating answers)… Seeing how the Doctrine maintains that it is the nature of the world we live in that determines personality types*. But if you are a roger (as it may seem) then you ‘know’ the world is a quantifiable place just as you know that there are Rules (and a Right Way and a Wrong Way) to do things. The cool thing is that we have the ‘other two’ aspects as potential. But they do not change the world that you live in ( your ‘predominate worldview’), they only allow you a wider range of action than does, say a roger with minimal secondary aspects.
      Example: Cyndi a clark with secondary scottian aspects as illustrated in this video or Molly a clark with a secondary rogerian aspect as seen in her blog and on the Facebook or Janine a roger with her secondary clark driving her to take on a whole extra venture with her web design business J9
      In each example you see a person who is living in a certain reality demonstrating qualities of the worldviews of their non-dominant personality type.

      a human raised in the reality of the Outsider develops behavioral strategies (personality) consist with that which we call clarks and those living in a reality best characterized as the world of the Predator turn out ‘looking like scotts’ and Herd Members experience the reality of belonging in a quantifiable world. It is the world to causes us to become the type and it is a very real world, not imagined

  7. If I ever have the chance to come back reborn as something else, I think I’d like to stick to being a Clark. An outsider, being creative, checking things out….yes, that’s me. Loved the little story about Jack and Jill…jeez, it’s been years since I heard that one. Great twist adding in the Scotts and Rogers. Happy Wednesday!

    • clarkscottroger clarkscottroger says:


      Yeah, those of us clarks with with enough of the secondary and tertiary (to allow us to see from above and still be somewhat practical do have a certain ‘advantage’). As you can see below, Michelle is asking a rather good questions involving the idea of secondary and tertiary aspects. What are your thoughts as to (your) secondary? My first inclination is to go with scott as your ‘secondary’ (you have done well with the video blogs which implies a scottian love of being the focus of attention) but your business/consulting blog, the Steer Career Success if you are spending a lot of time in the business environment (and getting along with people of the ‘middle management persuasion’) might you have a secondary of the rogerian nature? Could be an interesting line of inquiry.

  8. Roshni says:

    I always felt that there was something bizarre about all the Mother Goose nursery rhymes!

    • clarkscottroger clarkscottroger says:


      totally agree! more than bizzare…subversive in some very strange ways not to mention six different ‘-ists’ lol