Finish The Sentence Friday …it’s the Wakefield Doctrine lookin’ for a place to live… | the Wakefield Doctrine Finish The Sentence Friday …it’s the Wakefield Doctrine lookin’ for a place to live… | the Wakefield Doctrine

Finish The Sentence Friday …it’s the Wakefield Doctrine lookin’ for a place to live…

Welcome to the Wakefield Doctrine (the theory of clarks, scotts and rogers)

If I could live anywhere, I’d live…

(I have come to believe that my best contribution to this group’s blog hop is to find the…. road less traveled and try to put something up that will cause the Readers and (other) participants of FTSF to sit back, sip their coffee and say, ‘there, but for the Grace of god, a firm grip on reality and sound writing skills, go I”, that and perhaps (a) smile while reading.

I don’t want to sound too much like a fan* but each of the four bloggorini  Bloggarini** behind this here FTSF here, have such distinctive writing styles,  that I often despair at keeping up to the level set by M(s) Janine, Kate, Stephanie and Dawn.
But in a clear nod to the secret (and huge) ego of clarks, I will submit for your enjoyment the above video Post.

Filmed in a (nearly) speeding car, I trust that the undeniable courage under pressure, will be taken into account/consideration by all…particularly when we get to the part where I get out of the car and go on location… late, breaking Post!!( god what a wonderful time to be alive!)


* The word first become popular in reference to baseball enthusiasts. (Fanatic itself, introduced into English around 1550, means “marked by excessive enthusiasm and often intense uncritical devotion”. It comes from the Modern Latin fanaticus, meaning “insanely but divinely inspired”. The word originally pertained to a temple or sacred place [Latin fanum, poetic English fane]. The modern sense of “extremely zealous” dates from around 1647; the use of fanatic as a noun dates from 1650. (


** Friend of the Doctrine, Considerer has stated/suggested/spoken-quite-convincingly on the matter of the spelling of our little new word   Bloggarini   I like it (for unknown reasons) if anyyone else has opinions on the matter come on down… I think that we have ourselfs  a rather nice (new) proper noun (?)


clarkscottroger About clarkscottroger
Well, what exactly do you want to know? Whether I am a clark or a scott or roger? If you have to ask, then you need to keep reading the Posts for two reasons: a)to get a clear enough understanding to be able to make the determination of which type I am and 2) to realize that by definition I am all three.* *which is true for you as well, all three...but mostly one


  1. I love the bloggorini term for sure and definitely needs to catch on. And you know how much I do love your video posts. And the award does go to you for this post for sure!! :) Thank you as always for linking up with us Clark!!!

    • clarkscottroger clarkscottroger says:


      …it was fun, I think I need to up my production values lol (in fact) I haven’t seen the complete video yet, being so far behind the curve today, getting it done and submitted so late.

  2. Love “blogorinis!” Hahah I feel ALL THE TIME “shit! there is no way I’m going to come up with anything that good!” Is video taping while driving in the rain illegal? Cracking up! Scotts live out of suitcases? This was awesome. So were the church’s doors. Fun spin on FTSF, dude!

    PS Saw you added me to your blogroll. Thanks!

    PPS it’s totally a competition. Ok I’m kidding. No I’m not. Have Roger figure it out.

    • clarkscottroger clarkscottroger says:


      lol nice ‘get’ on the rogers and competition! yeah the first time I went by that Church I totally did a double take, it took a second for the ‘wrongness’ to register…
      yeah, (what we use to call ‘the initial behavioral metaphor’) in the case of scotts being predators… they tend not to have a drive to set down roots, while they may acquire stuff, I’ll bet if quizzed on what they would never want to lose (among personal possessions) a scott’s list would be fairly short.

  3. A camera pan on the accelerating speedometer would have been nice LOL
    NIce road. Miss those kinds of roads…..

    • clarkscottroger clarkscottroger says:


      damn…didn’t think of that… the camera work (the ‘holdation’) was kinda off today.

  4. Jen says:

    Your 4 friends :-) Meanwhile… write real good (I hope you get that is my jokiness), and I think most of us look up to you!
    ALSO you are not the only sex that drives fast. I got arrested for drag racing at 21.
    AND your posts, are always enlightening….I’ve often wondered what my secondary is…. a little more insight now, thank you!
    AND I WIN!

    • clarkscottroger clarkscottroger says:


      …thats always such a damned tantalizing thing…the not being worried about the things (about yourself) that you don’t put an overly large value on* so the making up of words and phrases I totally enjoy…
      the understanding of one’s secondary (and tertiary) aspects is similar to the way we determining our predominant aspects, but not as rigid… as the secondary aspect is more a matter of (an) additional inflection to our dealing with the worldview that defines us… I have a secondary scottian aspects as witness the (apparent) enthusiasm for the videos…even though, as a clark the concept of my photo or my voice recorded is totally abhorrent to me…up until I hit ‘record’. Now the tertiary is even ‘lighter’ than the secondary can be hard to see… But try out the scottian and the rogerian worldviews…see which seem to resonate the most…remember it is not ‘required’ that people have secondary and tertiary aspects…just that some do (most of the people around the Doctrine currently have a secondary at minimum.

      *weird use of the word value…in this case it’s value as one might imagine holds a value to everyone else…sort of

  5. Considerer says:

    Fine, except I want to spell it ‘Bloggarini’ (not sure why). Thanks for the insertion of the Y-view, not to mention the Wakefield view. Sorry it’s raining where you are.

    • clarkscottroger clarkscottroger says:


      Noted and approved* yeah we spent a lot of time in the early years of the blog emphasizing the gender neutral thing, and it is important…but such a rich and productive aspect of the whole learning the Doctrine thing

      Will change and credit the spelling … I like it better and I, too, do not have a good reason why that should be…but what the hell…. hey you want to submit that to Urban Dictionary?… let me know. ( I could do but, but am funny about permissions and such so if I credit you for the spelling, I want you to say, ‘)yeah go for it’

  6. Katia says:

    Brilliant spin on the topic! Everything from the Bloggerini to the video, the fear of getting pulled over and the recurring note to self – this is not a contest. Of course it’s not. And you would totally win it if you got pulled over. :-P

    • clarkscottroger clarkscottroger says:


      …damn, I’ll drive a little faster next time, maybe with the roof open and the radio blasting lol
      But thank you for the kind words. The Wakefield Doctrine is a …fun place like that odd little store down the side street that you once found accidentally and now are pretty sure you will remember how to get back to.. pretty sure. But having said that, I am all in the plus column as a result of joining the blog hop…so much to learn so many examples of how good blogs can be when in talented hands.

  7. dawn says:

    I love that I get to be a part of the Bloggarini!! Thanks for linking up with #FTSF this week. It’s totally a competition for me with Kate (but she doesn’t know it). I try to top her funny. A hard feat!

    • clarkscottroger clarkscottroger says:


      I know what you mean…(about the competition…which is a friendly form of such) but the thing I like about your group is that each (of you) have a style of your own that stands out… especially with a thing like the FTSF

  8. Terrye says:

    Yep, you get the crazy award for this week’s post! :) But very interesting and I do wonder what they are trying to keep in with those bars. Might have to call Ghost Adventures in to do a lock down in the old church! :) Did I mention that you are crazy? :)

    • clarkscottroger clarkscottroger says:


      Yes you did and I wonder about that ‘church’ (*what does she mean? crazy!?!*) The first time I came across it, it took a second for the horrible, horrible truth to sink in… lol

      Thank you! Thank you for the Award… You like me!! You really, really like me!! (*I know she said ‘crazy’ don’t try to tell me otherwise! no, I’m not overreaction)

      Hey! Terrye… call us up tonight! I think it says somewhere you are out West…that means you can call in at like 6:00 (Molly calls in from one of ‘the big square States’ and it’s 6 when she calls)

  9. I concur with Bloggarini- a lovely new term for the lexicon. I have a bit of a problem shutting off the competitive voice in my brain that tells me I’m not measuring up. I think you set the bar pretty high yourself, my friend! :)

    • clarkscottroger clarkscottroger says:


      …but it is the ridiculous diversity of styles of writing among the (growing) number of participants in your little weekly blog hop that will keep any element of competition from becoming a negative process

  10. All I could hear in my head watching that video was Whitesnake’s “I don’t know where I’m goin’/But I sure know where I’ve been.” I don’t know why. I used to love making random drives down unknown roads when I was younger and needed to let off steam. Then I read Stephen King’s short story about the lady who gets run off the road and left for dead on a random road and well, that was the end of that. (wanted to leave on an upbeat note)

    • clarkscottroger clarkscottroger says:


      …ok, about that upbeat note, lol Funny about these videos…being a clark it is the last form of ‘expression’ I would normally select, us clark being the photo/audio/video-phobes that we are, but the Doctrine is pushing me, which can then involve the secondary aspect (for me, scottian), and so, the movies. I am with you on the driving thing, it is still the best of all ‘environments’ to be a car driving from here to there…fun

  11. I’m going to have to start using that term….hehehe. There’s a reason why I read your post last – other than them being in alphabetical order, but because you always have something fun and/or interesting to say. Especially in your videos. For those of us who can’t travel to that neck of the woods, or that part of the world – it’s like a little mini travel portal for the day. Great way to start the day. And I love the rain. Great post! :)

    • clarkscottroger clarkscottroger says:


      …well, thank you for that and now that you mention the travelogue effect…I will certainly expand by use of different, ‘locations’. The area in this last one is, if you are in the mood for google, a path from Rt 102 to Bailey Pond in Rhode Island. (As you can see, rural, wooded hilly…fun for driving). btw love your beach photos and sorry about that Summer ending thing you guys have going on, down on the southern hem…

  12. Joy says:

    As usual, I really LOVED your FTSF post and take on the sentence!! They are always so creative and different from everything else! Good job! :-)

    • clarkscottroger clarkscottroger says:

      @ Joy
      thank you… hey, we are having a little survey today, stick around we would love to have your input on this