the Wakefield Doctrine Open Enrollment Day! | the Wakefield Doctrine the Wakefield Doctrine Open Enrollment Day! | the Wakefield Doctrine

the Wakefield Doctrine Open Enrollment Day!

Welcome to the Wakefield Doctrine (the theory of clarks, scotts and rogers)

For reasons that I do not understand, we have a Post today. Perhaps it is simply that the pattern is established, i.e. that I write a new Post every other day (or third day) at minimum. Maybe it is because I have a feeling that the body of knowledge that is the Doctrine is going through yet another ‘growth spurt’. It might even be that I know that there are some Readers out there, who are on the edge of taking the leap and writing a Comment.


So lets keep this short. Here’s the thing:

The Wakefield Doctrine is a way of looking at people, the way they act, re-act and inter-act. The Wakefield Doctrine is a way of understanding our relationships: (with) our spouses, our friends, our jobs and the gigantic bunch of strangers that comprise the world. The Wakefield Doctrine is a tool, one that we can learn to use on ourselves to make the good things that we do better and the bad things that we do… better. The Wakefield Doctrine is a way of looking at the day to day  world that will provide us with amusement, insight and understanding. Most of all, the Wakefield Doctrine is good for:

  • getting your noisy boyfriend to not shout when you are standing in a slow line
  • convincing your girlfriend that while purple really is ‘her’ hair color, that just maybe, for her job interview she might want to go natural
  • realizing that even though your boss always finds mistakes that you have made, that you know that you can do the job better than anyone
  • convincing your husband that, while it is important to research all major purchases, perhaps taking 6 weeks to decide on lawnmower brands is a bit much
The Wakefield Doctrine is predicated on the idea that we all live our lives in what can best be called individual worldviews (a less threatening word for personal reality) and that all people are born with the potential to live in one of three distinctive worldviews:
  1. the ‘world’ of the Outsider, where there is a gap, a critical difference between us and the rest of the world, especially the people, those who exist in this worldview, we call clarks
  2. the reality of the Predator, this world is characterized by the predator-prey existence that we see in nature, those who grow up and develop in this worldview are designated as having the scottian personality type
  3. the world of connectedness, the world of belonging to the group, sometimes referred to as the herd this person, referred to as a roger develops a personality type that is predicated on the world being a quantifiable place that is subject to discernible Rules
At an early age we pick one of these three and that becomes our personal reality. We call this the predominant type. And a big difference between the Doctrine and ‘mainstream personality systems’ is that we look at the reality first and the personality type second. Makes much more sense.
Finally, while we all live our lives in one (of three) characteristic worldviews, we never lose the capacity to see the world as the ‘other two’ do. In fact,  in some people, one of the other two ‘aspects’ is developed to the point that it influences the choices and actions of that person. For example, I am a clark because my reality, the world in which I grew up and developed my ‘personality’ is that of the Outsider. I also have a highly developed secondary aspect, that of the worldview that we call a scott. That shows in some instances and, in a sense, it accounts for some of my ‘personality’ that is not strictly the result of living on the fringe.  However, that does not mean that everyone develops their ‘other two’ aspects to any degree, some people are pretty much all of the type of their predominant worldview, showing no signs of the other two.  According to the Wakefield Doctrine, all people relate to the world consistent with the world being one of the three: clarks, scotts and rogers. We know all the stuff we do about people simply because we are able to see the world as they see it.
Hey! you people who are ‘on the edge’ of writing your first Comment? Here is your opening! I want…no, I need you to add to the list above (of the things the Doctrine is good for)… I know you got something. Come on! S. and H, I see you out there. and MJ and D and the rest of you scamps5


1) as the kids2 would say

2) by kids we mean people who are:

  • not as old as us3
  • confident enough to use whatever slang word they think is appropriate ( clarks )
  • sure enough of themselves to know that they are ‘tuned in’ to the ‘young people’ and can talk to them like they want ( rogers )
  • just don’t care what words they use, they will capture your attention no matter it they have to set their own hair on fire ( scott )

3) which is most everybody it seems, we can say that ’cause this is the internet4

4) which being a virtual world, allows us to pretend that we can appear to be anything to anyone simply because we are not likely to run into them at the Dentist’s office or the health and supplement section of  the grocery store

5) we are a little weird about privacy here, most of us use a damn pen name (French, ‘Nom de Bic‘ ) so you can sign in however the hell you want.


clarkscottroger About clarkscottroger
Well, what exactly do you want to know? Whether I am a clark or a scott or roger? If you have to ask, then you need to keep reading the Posts for two reasons: a)to get a clear enough understanding to be able to make the determination of which type I am and 2) to realize that by definition I am all three.* *which is true for you as well, all three...but mostly one


  1. Jennifer says:

    I thought it was gonna be short… In fact, I just went to the first footnote which led to another and to another… And after the last one I thought I was finished reading the post (yeah scottian. I know…) I thought, that Clark, he’s being witty today. Ergo, the comment. I’ll have to get back to you after I read the rest…

  2. Jennifer says:

    I’m baaaack…. Good post. A bunch of useful stuff that will not only allow you to know yourself better. But that will also enable you to understand why people say and do the things they. I’ll keep it at that. Since you are reading this then you know the benefits. Got the Doctrine-bug, eh? Give us a shout! Let us know how relieved you are that you are now able to understand and approach your spouse without getting that knot in your stomach. How you now understand why your girlfriend always seems to end up with a bunch of guys around her. And how you no longer get frustrated with your friend who refuses to anything together without first reading and outlining the assembly instructions.

  3. Jennifer says:

    Still looking for the footnote to the asterisk? Gotcha!!
    Good one Clark.