“…the one and only Billy Shears” the Wakefield Doctrine: Saturday Night Drive Re-Cap ( ya shoulda been there!) | the Wakefield Doctrine “…the one and only Billy Shears” the Wakefield Doctrine: Saturday Night Drive Re-Cap ( ya shoulda been there!) | the Wakefield Doctrine

“…the one and only Billy Shears” the Wakefield Doctrine: Saturday Night Drive Re-Cap ( ya shoulda been there!)

Welcome to the Wakefield Doctrine ( the theory of clarks, scotts and rogers)

Saturday Night Drives… you have been thinking about calling in, but you are hesitant to dial that there number there, what to expect? well, if you had called in last night, you would have gotten an opportunity to register your opinion on a variety of topics, (mostly, but not entirely Doctrine related discussions):

….why (you know) that Jimi Hendrix was a clark, what is it about scotts that allow them to be so direct and act on impulse and desire?, if you slept over at Jeff Beck’s house, why would you insist that they make-up the Guest Pool Table?… the eyes of a roger, in what ways are they different from clarks and from scotts
(Steve Crabtree was a Caller last night,  first damn time, Steve yo! We want to thank him for his contribution of the story about the pool table, among other things….thats the idea of the call…totally un-related people contributing very diverse views and thoughts, all tied together by this Doctrine thing of ours.)

So lets look at the eyes of a roger (and a scott):

Jack’s  a scott… (yeah, no kidding!) You see the eyes. It is not just that he is staring at Stewart (James Spader), but the intent/intensity is quite marked. That is the gaze of a scott. Go out today and watch the people you associate with, hang out with, are married to… if you see eyes like this, then you have arrived at the the first step (of) the process of identifying a person as a clark, scott or roger. The second step is to watch this person further, and decide if their behavior is consistent with what we know the behavior of a scott to be. (Are they a little, overly-exuberant? Are they fun to be with? Are they constantly joking/telling jokes, do they appear to have difficulty sitting still?) What you are doing, in this phase of personality type identification,  is inferring the (actual) reality that they are experiencing.* Once you have decided which of the three they are, the Doctrine will take care of the rest!**

James is so a roger… and his character Stewart’s eyes? they’re are all over the damn place! Watch him, watch his eyes (particularly in the context of what he is saying)! He looks to the left, he looks to the right, he looks directly at Jack, without flinching and with equal ease, he looks out the window!! Remind you of something??  (You younger Readers may miss this reference)…. ever watch those old fashioned ‘lion tamers’?  (No! not Siegfried and Roy, I mean the real old timer,  big round cage, with these like ‘stands arrayed around the interior and the Lion Tamer would go in with a whip and a chair ( yeah, scott  just like your date last night…) And this person would make the lions (and sometimes tigers) sit and stay (and a number of other ‘tricks’ that now, seem just plain cruel and childish, but that was in the last Century and humans were remarkably un-sophisticated).
In any event, the point I am trying to make here is that at the climax of the act, the Lion Tamer would do something like get close to the lions and turn his back on them. To show us how brave a man he must be and (show) the lions how dominant he feels he is.
James Spader, with his eyes is trying to do that with Jack.

Didn’t we tell you how much fun and how constantly fascinating this Wakefield Doctrine is?  And we have not even delved into what is about the reality of the scottian personality it is that makes this behavior permissible!! For that you need to call us next Saturday!


1) we all have the capability of living in a reality (sometimes referred to as a worldview) that is characterized as being the world of the outsider (clark), the environment of the predator (scott) or the life of the socially  connected (roger) and we all pick one to live our lives in, so the Wakefield Doctrine is more about understanding the reality that the other person is experiencing as the way to understand (and predict!) the behavior of the people in our lives.

2) once you learn the Wakefield Doctrine and the ways of clarks, scotts and rogers you will see the people in your life in a whole different way!




clarkscottroger About clarkscottroger
Well, what exactly do you want to know? Whether I am a clark or a scott or roger? If you have to ask, then you need to keep reading the Posts for two reasons: a)to get a clear enough understanding to be able to make the determination of which type I am and 2) to realize that by definition I am all three.* *which is true for you as well, all three...but mostly one