(“a piece of the action…”) | the Wakefield Doctrine (“a piece of the action…”) | the Wakefield Doctrine

(“a piece of the action…”)

Lady Downspring here.  I’ve decided to suit up again.  I quite enjoy it on occasion but I digress.  My first and last Post for this blog was about a year ago.  “What is wrong with that?” you may ask.  Everything and nothing at all.  I am, after all, a clark.  It is within my purview to procrastinate, take for granted, lose urgency/energy, be fearful, wonder that there is anything pertinent I can contribute, castigate myself – wait, that’s reserved for my “other” friends…..  to the conversation that is the Wakefield Doctrine, the theory of clarks, scotts and rogers.  So why would I think I have nothing pertinent, nothing of value to say? What is it that keeps me reading but not writing? Could it be connected to how I view the world? (with fear CY – with fear.  the clue to your clarklike nature lies within the domain of fear.)

 The question and subsequent question of the day for the veteran “25” and new readers alike?  “How does one learn to view the world differently?”,  “Can I view the world differently?”  This presupposes the desire (“shh… no, not now…”) to change how one views the world.  First, let us assume the position (no glenn. get up!) that one has identified oneself as predominantly a clark, scott or roger. What would be next?  If you identified yourself as having clarklike “symptoms” not to worry too much (yet). You will continue to read the Wakefield Doctrine as long as it amuses and challenges you, you can learn from it; you do not find yourself distracted by something else.  If on the other hand you recognize your primary status as that of a scott, (no!. all egos must, I repeat must….….. check at the door) then it depends on how hungry you are and whether there is enough to satisfy you.  Thirdly, if you lay claim to being of rogerian descent then it becomes a little more complex.  Assumptions have been made.  If the conversation that is the Wakefield Doctrine aligns with your interpretation, with your world view at the moment, Godspeed.

clarks! This session you may sit.  I will speak of our little scottian friends.  “You!  In the seat by the door!  Go get that roger and drag him back here! ” rogers do not like to be told what to do (unless it is by a scottian female – a male roger will always defer to the scottian female.) For more on how the Wakefield Doctrine can be applied to relationships I will refer you to our very own Ms. AKH.)

 To be scottian is to be dominant or submissive (to another scott only).  One or the other.  There are dominant scotts and lesser scotts. (not in a diminutive way)  Keep in mind: clarks think, scotts act and rogers feel, you will no doubt catch on quickly to the nuances of the many ways a clark views the world, how a scott views the immediate landscape, and how a roger views the world as it should be.  scotts are high energy individuals with a short attention span.  They make decisions quickly (because they are so certain of themselves).  scotts can be quick to anger however they hardly ever hold a grudge.  And why? scotts are of the present.  They like to be the focus of attention. (down boy, almost finished)

scotts are often misunderstood.  There is no delicate way to say it – they are often thought of as assholes.  Many of them are but more often than not scotts possess a soft, tender side.  My advice:  learn the Wakefield Doctrine, the theory of clarks, scotts and rogers and you will learn how to handle not only the scotts in your life but the clarks and rogers as well.  It may take a little time but once you catch on it can not only be fun but it can bring positive results to both your work life and home life.  Who doesn’t want to live a less complicated life?

View the vid clip and take note to the scotts attempting to establish ranking.  Take further note to the ultimate, good natured (but do not test me) roger that is our Capt. Kirk. (“No way like the Federation way”.)  

Next sessionWhere there is a clark there is always a scott/where there is a scott there is always a clark.


http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WIiAtCD-gIM(a piece of the action….”)





clarkscottroger About clarkscottroger
Well, what exactly do you want to know? Whether I am a clark or a scott or roger? If you have to ask, then you need to keep reading the Posts for two reasons: a)to get a clear enough understanding to be able to make the determination of which type I am and 2) to realize that by definition I am all three.* *which is true for you as well, all three...but mostly one


  1. clarkscottroger clarkscottroger says:

    Q: How many Readers of the Wakefield Doctrine does it take to screw in a lightbulb?

    A: a) …”well that depends on… (at least “2” and/or as many as possible, but they have to really want to…”
    b) FUCK YOU!! (lets just put the scotts down for “1”)
    c) I don’t really have the time to get into this, I am so busy and I must say isn’t kind of rude to ask? (a herd equals??)